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The Kender of the Dragonlance Saga
The kender of Krynn have forever been a bright spot during some of the darker parts of the world's history. The kender race was born from the Greygem during the Age of Dreams and their ancestry is always a discussion topic. The elves fervently deny any possible relationship to the childish kender, while the gnomes couldn't care less, just as long as they are still allowed to work unendingly on their inventions.
Kender in the Fifth Age
Kender in the Age of Mortals have changed much, the region of Kendermore has been decimated by the Red Terror, Malystryx. The kender resulting from this attack left for the west and Hylo. Those kender have been "afflicted". Afflicted kender tend to have a wider range of emotions, including those of hate, jealousy, and wishes for revenge. The homeland for kender now is in Hylo, under the control of a veteran of the kender flight, Belladonna.
The Kender Flight
As Malystryx began to warp and twist the lands of Goodlund and Kendermore, the kender knew that they had to do something about her ogre army and as Riverwind had agreed to help them against the ogres, they thought of a way to save themselves. There are underground tunnels stretching from Kendermore as far north as Flotsam. As Malys was coming toward Kendermore, bent on its destruction, Riverwind took up the job of getting to her lair. As he and his daughter Brightdawn sabotaged her lair, she came back, not getting the chance to finish the kender off. They escaped through the tunnels and soon enough started the long road to Hylo and their western brethren. Those kender that arrived there seemed strange to the Hylo kender and soon enough people all over Ansalon realized that these kender have changed.
Currently with the Kender~Hylo
In Hylo the kender are under the leadership of one Belladonna, aka Billee Juniper, who took hold of Hylo from Fallana Windseed soon after the Kendermore refugees came to their western brethren. The afflicted kender there have been making raids on the nearby lands of Sikket Hull and have alienated some kender in the area of their goblin friends. These true kender have been packing up to cross the mountains and move into the goblin areas lately and it seems that the true kender have had it with their afflicted cousins attacking the goblins.

Currently with the Kender~Kendermore
After the destruction of Malystryx and when she began corrupting the lands of Goodlund and Kendermore, a few kender remained behind to keep a watch on their former homeland of Kendermore. Catt and Kronn Thistelknot, children of famous kender hero Kronin Thistleknot, are some of the kender who decided to stay in the region, even though they know that Malystryx would like nothing more to destroy all that she finds in her realm. These kender scout the region and try and do what they can to foul up Maylstryx's plans.