Welcome to the Star Wars Palace!
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The Star Wars Palace and its Defense Fleet
I am Sir Jedius, the Baron Administrator of the Star Wars Palace. The entire Palace is a Platform with a personal defense fleet. The defense fleet consists of a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser with a full complement of starfighters, plus another squadron composed of B-Wings, A-Wings, and Y-Wings. We have finally completed construction on the Palace. If you have any ideas to add to the site, please feel free to send me an e-mail by clicking below. Also, don't forget to sign our guestbook!
*E-wing, K-wing, W-Wing added to Rebel Hangar Bay
*Assault Gunboat, Scimitar Assault Bomber, TIE Defender, TIE/D, V-38, and Dreadnaught added to Imperial Hangar bay
*Incom-Verpine C-Wing, Incom-MonCal R-Wing, MC90 Cruiser added to Rebel Hangar Bay
*TIE Advanced, Missile Boat, TIE Dagger, TIE Striker added to Imperial Hangar bay
*Polls Section added...a new one every week!
*Poll #1 closed. See Polls section for results. New poll posted.
*New Queen Amidala sounds in Sound Library!
*New section in Hangar Bay- Episode 1 Ships!
*Poll #2 closed. See Polls section for results. Poll #3 posted.
*Poll #3 closed. Feedback Poll (#4) opened. Please check it out, I need your suggestions to make this a better site. Thanks!
*Store section added. Shop for all your Star Wars needs! More products coming soon.
*Feedback Poll closed, poll #5 opened. Thanks for your input, I'll try to put everything in! :)
*New background music! Duel of the Fates from Episode 1. It's not as good as the real thing though. You can get the soundtrack with the real one here.
*Trade Federation Droid Fighter and Destroyer added to Episode 1 ships. They are black and white but it's the best I can find for now.
*New layout for store section! I changed the old links to a Java powered link box.
*Poll #5 closed, poll #6 opened.
*Message Board added! Post all your Star Wars thoughts!
*The Star Wars Palace has a new staff member, Vice-Baron Administrator AQelDroma. She will be assisting me with coding and such.
The Hangar Bay
The Sound Library
Message Board
The Store
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to enter the Star Wars Palace since May 1, 1999.
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It would be appreciated if you would put this banner with a link to swpalace.cjb.net on your site. Just email me and tell me if you are.

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