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ANIMORPHANS: the coolest place for every Animorph fan!

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there have been 6092 Animorphans here from April 13, 1999 (when this site opened) to November 3rd, 1999 (when this site shut down).
There have now been since this site opened. Subtract 6092 from that number to find out how many hits we've had since this site shut down.

Hi! Welcome to ANIMORPHANS, my Animorphs site! My "name" is Animorphanson. Of course, that's not my real name. Anyway, click around and I hope you enjoy this site! Sign the guestbook and tell me what you think! Sign the Slambook too! And don't forget to check out this site's original ideas: Ever Wonder & Have You Noticed. We also have a place to submit your dreams! ANIMORPHANS has hosted over 30 dreams!

Hey guys! Know what I've noticed? ~smirks~
Animorphs: We can't tell you who we are, or where we're from . . .
Backstreet Boys: I don't care who you are, where you're from . . .
Cool, eh?

To keep this short, this site has now been shut down. But everything is still up, it'll just never be updated until Christmas vacation, Spring break, and will be re-opened during the summer. All forms of communication have been taken away, no more submitting. I'm sorry but this had to be done, I just didn't have the time anymore. And besides, my grades are really bad, I'm not even on the honor roll, and my parents are mad.

I finished The Yeerk Invasion, #1 The Unexpected! You can also go rate it at! I also started on #2 The Misunderstood, but it hasn't been posted yet. Once again, my friend Firefox437 is helping me out with it.

I got to the end of "the big news" about the Animorphs being real. It turns out if was a prank after all played by the people who lived in the town. They never thought it would get that big. They are now serving 7 months of community service.

for more better updates click here

October's book:
Visser Three is still trying to find a way to reach the Pemalite ship. The ship that was hidden thousands of feet below the ocean's surface. A ship containing technology so advanced that it is superior to anything even the Andalites have built. And this time, the visser plans to find the ship so he can use the power to complete Earth's invasion.

Jake, the other Animorphs, and Ax acquire additional deep-sea morphs in order to stop the visser's plan. But while trying to destroy the Yeerk ship, the kids make a startling discovery: an underwater civilization. Have the kids discovered Atlantis . . . or is it just another trap?