'Star Trek Sovereign' began as an idea in the summer of 1998 when I began thinking about writing my own Star Trek series. I liked the new Enterprise-E first seen in 'Star Trek First Contact,' so I deceided to base my Trek series on a ship of that type. Of course, it couldn't be the Enterprise-E, so that left one option, its prototype. The Enterprise-E is a Sovereign-class starship, so I decided to base my series on the starship USS Sovereign NCC-74222.
I ended up writing my first episode in the creative writing class I took at school, but I then made several changes to my characters, so episode one was re-written.
Please scroll down to view a list of the current main characters, as well as to find links to the episodes.
Episodes in Progress:
- Episode Thirteen: "Delta Force, Part II"
- Episode Fourteen: "The Lion's Den"
Main Characters:
Click here for crew bios.
- Starship:USS Sovereign NCC-74222 (The Sovereign is the lead ship of the Sovereign-class)
- Captain: Captain Brandon Grasmick (I decided to name the captain after myself)
- First Officer: Commander Alexandra Ryan (Commander Ryan is a human from Earth)
- Operations Officer: Lieutenant Commander Tumok (Mr. Tumok is half human/half Vulcan)
- Chief Engineer: Lieutenant Commander Aaron Peterson (Peterson is named after a friend of mine from school)
- Tactical Officer" Lieutenant Commander Samuel 'Tac' Wilson (Tac is a friend of Captain Grasmick's from the Academy)
- Chief Medical Officer: Lieutenant Commander Morgan 'Mo' Edwards
- Ship's Counselor: Lieutenant Commander Anne Hathaway (Hathaway is named after William Shakespeare's wife. I was at a loss to what to name the character, and I think I got the inspiration to do so from the USS Hathaway entry in the Star Trek Encyclopedia)
- Helm Officer (CONN): Ensign Emony Tobin (Tobin, a Trill, has a similar relationship with Captain Grasmick that Dax and Sisko have on ST: DS9)
Recurring Characters:
- Fleet Admiral Robert Bennett
- Lieutenant Commander Melissa Teahon (Teahon is a member of the SSOS, Starfleet Special Operations Service)
- Captain Chris Martin (Martin, an El-Aurian, was raised on Earth in the late 20th century. He served with Grasmick on the USS Valley Forge)
- Captain Clint Schleicher (Captain Schleicher is named after another friend of mine from school)
- Lt. Commander Shelby Aaberg
I'm not affiliated with Paramount Pictures (the people who make Star Trek). I'm just a big Star Trek fan who wrote his own stories and is putting them on the internet.
Special Items:
- Special thanks to Frank Gerratana, who supplied the little
graphic. You can view his webpage here.
- Special thanks to Chris Martin, the cool dude who created the Zetans, and graciously made the upgrades to this page. You can view his webpage here.
- Special thanks to my friend Melissa Teahon for not kicking my butt for putting here in "Fighting Specialty" and other up and coming episodes. Hope you enjoy your autographed copy, Melissa!
- Congratulations to the cast and crew of Gering High School's production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream". The production nights were the 29th and 30th of October, 1999. I portrayed the part of Theseus. Good job everyone!
- Special thanks to Charles Capps who created the ST:SOV logo. You can view his webpage here
- Special thanks to Peter Savin, who supplied the screen cap at the top. You can view his page here
In Memoriam:
For my late Father Gary, for without him I wouldn't be who I am today. I miss you, Dad.
- Gary D. Grasmick, 1943-1993
© 2000 Brandon Grasmick
Star Trek and associated characters are © Paramount Pictures