Vengence of the Rat

Leader : Chief Sitting Rat
Gang Type : Ratskin
Rules References : Outlanders, CJ18

The gang camp in on the edge of a Radzone and has been attacked once before by a coalition of Van Saar and Arbitrators, the attack was unsuccessful. The gang is famed largely for it's capability in close combat where some skilled combatants combined with overwhelming numbers give them the edge. The ranged capabilities of the gang should not be underestimated however, although very few of the ratskins are particularly good shots the sheer number of guns they can fire is rather nasty. Aside from Chief Sitting Rat himself opponents need to watch out for the shaman, Screaming Jack, the sharp shooter, Sitting Millisaur and the combat experts, Running Rat and Skulking Moose.

Update 6/9/40099

Nothing has been seen of the Vengence of the Rat in recent times, it would be foolish to assume they have been destroyed. Popular rumour has it that they have managed to seal off a dome for population entirely by Ratskins and therefore have no need to continue fighting. I however find it difficult to believe that these savages would give up their fight. Whilst it is possible that they have sealed off a dome I doubt that a single dome is enough for them. Chief Sitting Rat has sworn vengance on all uphivers and is unlikely to rest until he has eliminated us from the underhive. We should be wary for the return of the 'Vengence', afterall, few gangs since have surpassed thier reputation for violence.

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