Gorg's Avengers
Leader : The Captain Gorg's Avengers operate out of the settlement of Old Sump Falls which they captured early in thier carear. They appear to be campaigning against the supposed 'oppressive rule' on the planet of Necromunda and seem to have gained some sympathy from the gang known as the Red Army Faction. We however regard them as nothing more than a bunch of escaped convicts trying to avoid capture by claiming they were wrongfully sentenced in the first place hence they take the name of that other supposed freedom fighter, Bull Gorg. With thier pit-slave implants the Avengers specialise in hand to hand but have proven time and time again that once within pistol range they are more than capable of handling a shoot-out. Each member of this gang should be considered dangerous. The Captain himself has and additional arm implanted along with a chainsaw, a pair of shears and a bolt-pistol, he has sheets of metal bolted to his body for protection and seems to have aquired some kind of scanning device from somewhere. The gang's technical skill comes from Stark, who has a welding torch, modified into a flamer implanted, and, similarly to the Captain, has armoured plates attached to him. The other gang members are known to be, Blake, armed with a pneumatic hammer, Mr. Fixit, armed with a lifting claw, Pietro, armed with a buzzsaw, Vance, armed with a chainsaw, and Clint who seems to have nothing more than a simple blade attached to the stump of his arm.
Recently the Avenger's have been gaining a greater reputation, they continue to enjoy the support of the people from the settlement of Old Sump Falls and have been branded by some as "The Underhive's Mightiest Heroes". They recently assisted the reconstituted Red Army Faction in a raid on the Mine held by Mirabelle's Men alleging that they were holding slaves there against thier will. The Attack was very successful with only one member of the Avenger's getting injured. Mirabelle's Men however suffered more seriously. The Avengers have continued to have a successful career. They have been defeated on occasion but normally finish thier fights victorious. Recently they joined forces with the POUM for an attempt on the Arch Zealot's life, whilst the attack was succesful in itself despite interference from other gangs, two squads of arbitrators and even two inquisitors, the Arch Zealot fully recovered from all injuries inflicted. Gorg's Avengers recently stalked a caravan guarded by Sol Invictus. Having been repelled once the outlaws regrouped and despite another ferocious defense by Sol Invictus some pit slaves were able to break through and attack the caravan. Although they did not escape with much they were able to free two pit fighter's. Both of these pit figher's have now joined the gang although two of the original members have taken leave of absence, including the Captain himself. The Captain has left one of the new members incharge, the Underhive Agent is armed with a chainsaw on one arm and a pnuematic hammer on the other, with a shoulder mounted plasma gun, our records show that he was sold into slavery by the squat gang the Brotherhood of Thorgrimm, it may be that this is Karl the original leader of the Red Army Faction. The other new member is Rhodes, with some shears on one arm with a bolt pistol mounted on the back and carrying a chainsword and wrist mounted hand flamer on the other arm, this is rounded off with a large quantity of armour plates over his body. The Captain is still operating out of Old Sump Falls, but independently of his gang. The current whereabouts of the other absentee, Blake, are unknown at this time. The new line-up saw it's first action assisting the Red Army Faction (Guerillaisimo) against the Spandex Milita in an attempt to rescue the revolutionary, Barder. By the time Gorg's Avengers arrived their allies had already sustained high casualties and soon fled. The Avengers attempted to rescue Barder on thier own but were simply outclassed. The loss of Barder has caused the Red Army Faction to attempt reintegration. The reintegration did not go well and after Alex challenged Ho for the leadership and won Ho left to found a splinter group. This has left fracture's in the Freedom Coalition with the Captain currently in solo command. This makes the Captain a prime target for assasination as he is the only thing keeping the group of rebels together. |