The Darkness of Light
Leader : Gabrielle Gabrielle is a powerful woman with contacts and influence throughout the Sump Falls area. She is extending her power through the gangs and has recruited and converted a number of members. She has had control of a number of stealer's and has learned to use their fearsome combat skills to good effect. So much so that there have been several attempts at hunting down 'the demons'. None have succeeded. The members of the gang cannot yet match the prowess of the stealers but they are progressing and they have dealt some impressive defeats on other gangs recently. They are becoming something to reckon-with. Fidel of the Red Army faction took out Gabrielle's genestealer. No matter they re-grouped assasinated Fidel and are top Sump Falls area gang. Nobody messes! TDOL have slaughtered a number of gangs recently but at the cost of being exposed as genestealers. When they were exposed they fled to their hide-out but were ambushed by 3 gangs and abitrators, on the way. Most of the gang escaped, licking severe-wounds but some were captured (Angel amongst them). Gabrielle is going to revenge herself by rescuing her brood and destroying the next gang they meet, as an example. Nobody messes, ever! It's been pretty good for TDOL lately! We were hired by one the Guilders to Hit Caine's; the first attempt was a failure but the second was superlative. Morticia and St Joanne are proving to be a excellent team getting in amongst them very quickly and slaughter soon ensues. That's what happened with Caines and they didn't know what had hit them. We earned a wad of cash, so we can sit back and enjoy that righteousness has prevailed infamy. (Steals learn't the same lesson 6 out and all at the hands of the fearsome two, one of them joined us) |