Mirabelle's Men
Leader : Mirabelle Mirabelle s Men started life as Virgin Manpower lead by Dick Branson but a brief encounter with the wrong end of a grenade launcher, left the gang headless (literally). So Mirabelle, Dick's PA took charge and they haven't looked back (because Mirabelle said she'd shoot anyone who wasn t looking at her and obeying orders). Mirabelle had a large amount of success and was contemplating retiring to the spire when after a heavy defeat at the hands of the combined Red Army Faction & Gorg's Avengers a number of the junior executives lead by Vince & Gobshite offered her a retirement package she couldn't refuse. Gobshite & Vince took the rest of the corporation to a different part of the underhive and were rumoured to be involved in heavy fighting against a genestealer cult: meanwhile Mirabelle has opened a management consultancy, 'Ruthless efficiency' on Spire Plaza. |