The Emporer's Justice

Leader : Brother Xavier
Gang Type : Cawdor
Rules References : Sourcebook

The Emporer's Justice were a bit of a joke when they started out, every time they fought, the other gangs opinion of them just got lower. In more recent times however the gang seems to have improved and now has a "respectable" reputation. The change of fortune started when the gang took on the much better known and more respected Sendero Luminoso, a splinter gang from the Red Army faction, and succeeded in capturing a territory, killing 4 gang members and wounding the rest. From this point on the Justice has seemed like a force to be reckoned with in the underhive. The gang is lead by Brother Xavier who likes to lead the gang from up front taking the fight to the enemy and preferably engaging them in hand to hand combat. The gangs heavy firepower comes from Brother Moriar and his heavy stubber, unlike most heavies Brother Moriar seems to be able to fire his weapon on the move although he is significantly less accurate when firing this way. The rest of the gang is a mixture of hand to hand specialists and ranged specialists, slightly favouring hand to hand.

Update 12/4/40100

The balance between hand to hand and shooting within the justice seems to have shifted, whilst most gang members are still armed for hand to hand it is the marksmen of the gang that are proving it's strength. The Justice have had several skirmishs with the local genestealer cults and have formed the "Friends of Humanity" along with the Painless in order to combat alien menaces in this area of the hive. The Friends of Humanity have fought against the genestealers several times, often with the assistance of the Delaque gang the Snakebites. Whilst inflicting several casualties on the genestealers the aliens determination has proved the deciding factor. Recently the Justice took time out from their crusade against aliens to reaffirm their status in the hive. A successful ambush was mounted against rival gang Hades Suns with the only casualty being Brother Xavier himself after losing a duel with Red Halley.

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