
Marvin's History

Campaign Headquarters

Creator: Chuck Jones

Voices: Originally done by Mel Blanc.

His voice, is now done by Bob Bergen since Mel Blanc passed away.It is noteworthy that the voice changed noticeably from that used in the debut, to the later, creamier voice in the later cartoons.

First Appearance: 1948: Haredevil Hare

Interesting Info: Like Michigan J. Frog, his current name is an ex facto moniker;he was never identified as such in any of the cartoons, his name did appear as Commander X-2 in Hasty Hare, in the instructions he reads from his Commander E.Mcsquared.

It probably seems obvious, Jones and Maltese obviously patterned the character after the god Mars,with the helmet and skirt. Jones noticed that as time went on, Bug's enemies were getting bigger and noisier. He then introduced a new villain into the Looney Tunes circle, a villain that was a great deal smaller and quieter than the rest of the bad characters...but a lot more dangerous.

So what could be more dangerous than a hostile extraterrestrial bent on destroying Earth?

As you watch Marvin in the cartoons you'll notice that while Marvin is often in a bad mood, he never gets out of control and never gets loud.

The 1958 cartoon, Hare-Way to the Stars is one of the more unusual entries, in that it boast visionary graphics by Maurice Noble, with cities suspended seemingly in mid space.

Marvin truely is an extraordinary adversary for Bugs and the Looney Tune gang. Although he is small and very quiet his Instant Martians (the kind that you just add water) and his Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator, help Marvin stand tall.


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Marvin the Martian is Copyrighted by Warner Bros. Inc.
Looney Tunes, Marvin the Martian, and all other characters appearing on this page are Trademarks of Warner Bros. Inc.