Rachel's Little World...

As you look about this path, your senses are overwhelmed with all the things about you,

Perched in a tree is a bird looking animal with the face of a fox, an array of brightly colored feathers adorns this top of it's skull, and it's wings are dazzled in colors.
Go to it?

Two trees hang close together and their branches interlock sending down a curtain of leaves and vines.
See what lies behind?

A picture in a frame is tightly wedged between a few branches. On it is writing that you cannot read, and underneath is an arrow.
Go where the arrow points?

An old, yellowed piece of paper is hanging on a piece of bark on the side of the tree, it reads in old brushscript that you can just barely make out:
Do not walk in front of me, I may not follow...
Do not walk behind me, I may not lead...
Just walk beside me and be my friend...
Follow the path the note hangs over?

You see a path neatly cleared of all branches and bushes. It is surrounded on both sides by pillar-looking trees.
Follow it? >

You see a rope hanging across a few brances with a few scribbled words that you can just barely make out:
This way to the Library...->
Go there?

You see on two trees there are two brightly colored signs. One reads "Sign the Book" and has a book on a pedistal in front of it.
The other reads "Read the Book" and also has a book below it.

Sign the Book?
Read the Book?
Back to opening page

Last updated:
Wed-nes-day, July 1, 1998
Maintained by Rachee-Mejah

All sites in this one are copywright Rachel 1998
Human #Human Counter since May 18, '98, that's HUMANS. All you Aliens, Go here.