Hey, since my adoptions have gotten so big a popular, (I'm excited!) I decided they needed their own part of the site. So here it is! From here you can go to the separate adoption parts. Remember, all of the adoptions are made by me, the animals, (toblians are a species I made up myself!! (c) me! memememe!) So if you take any of them without filling out the form, then you are an adoption abducter!!! But from most of my adoptions you won't get anything if you don't fill out the form, anyway,...

The Original Toblians! The first adoption I ever had out is here!!

Toblian Eggs, eggs that hatch Toblians, and grow over time!

Accessories and STUFF for your Toblian or Toblian Egg!

Adopt anything other than A Toblian, or Toblian Egg!
CLICK to check out the stuff I adopted!
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All adoption html and angency setups within this page are (c) Rachel
"Toblians" are (c) Rachel, and cannot be used without permission.
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