Welcome To My Home Page

You are visitor number: since October 11, 2000.

This site was created in April 1998 is updated as often as possible.
The current date and time on the West Coast (where my server is, not where I am!) is:
Monday, 27-Apr-09 23:55:55 PDT"

My name is Larry Kramer, and I am glad to have you visit my page.
If you have any comments or questions about anything you see here, please email me at: lbk99@geocities.com

 I also have a Guest Book which you can sign by clicking here, or which you can view by clicking here.


I currently have this page in the science fiction area of geocities, so naturally this page includes this. However, other interests include hiking, bicycle riding, and almost anything related to God's beautiful creation.

Click on any of the following links to go to my science fiction related pages.

Click on any of the following links to open a window for some other pages I have found and enjoy.

© 1999 lbk99@geocities.com

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