Hello there :o) and welcome to my very first attempt at a home page!  It's actually about absolutely nothing, so hopefully, you will stay long enuf to see all my FAB links and wonderful messages (yeah, right).  Greetings to all my fellow Fortians (yay) this includes basically everyone and my wonderful list of ICQ® users. If you haven't already gotten ICQ, then you really haven't lived! haha, yeah, just download it!

BUT a special "hey" must go to T...the gal who exuberates noise.. hehe.. i should chuck Jen in there too! :oÞ, Jane, Alex, Shubs - Chicquita, Audrey, Apeksha (argh! Ancient!!!), Buzz, Jez (..."i don't know what to write!"),Shirley... you dumb blonde you! Kinky; thanx for being such a sweetie! Oh, and if that bothers you :oÞ blah! Sonji, Asha, Jen - Munchkin! A Special mention to the MATHS, how sad!  Ruth - Skinny (hehe, I get the last say!),Georgie!Luv ya babe! Trace, Rodney, Winnie (noooo! Prior Revision Courses), Jonno, Jean (bus buddy oh pal), Ren, Pris, Jen & Jen, and a heap others! That includes you Tim and Sam! Sorry I didn't mention you earlier!

Um....MY DEAR CANADIAN FRIENDS, Nicole and Tim (hehe..Miss you HEAPS!).  Oh, and a special mention to my dear net cousins, Adam, Lara, James, Jason,Julian, Hong-Yang and all them others! And, if i've been rude enuf not to give you a special mention... sorry, email me and i'll pay you a special tribute!!!

My FSHS Page

My Awards lovemeter!

Katrina's Fab Links                                

ICQ ~ Just get it! Its the basis of all net chatting fun! (just trust me)

Mr Bean ~ He's such a sweetie, so check out this simple lil site!

Calvin & Hobbes  ~ Great site for adorable pics of these cuties : )

Prophett's Mp3 Links ~ This is the best site for Mp3s!!! Links to archives and everything!

Psycho's Mp3s ~ If Prophett's isn't enuf for u
Mp3 Archive ~ This is exactly what it says it is!                                   


MP3 Site ~ The links here are okay...

Mp3 World ~ Music to download

WinAmp ~ Well, you need something to play your mp3s with don't you?

Elmo's Page ~ I actually stole this link from Sarah, so if u luv Elmo or Fairies, or just wanna check out a cool homepage, ...visit her...and sign her guestbook!

Screen Mates ~ Download Scam Poo and all his friends.

More Screen Mates ~ This is good, it has collections 1 and 2

Winzip ~ Unzip files
Horoscopes ~ Subscribe for horoscope delivery.                    


Hotmail ~ For email...duh!

I-Name ~ Also for email...get cool addresses etc.

Come Here ~ Well, try to get others to come here!

Get Flashed!  ~ Virtual flashes, hugs, kisses etc to send to friends.

Warner Brothers Site ~ I haven't actually been here....tell me if it's good :o)

Animation USA ~ This is a cool site which has popular characters by Nickelodeon, Disney, etc

For a Friend ~ To show your friends you really care, send this to them...they'll love you for it....hehehe

Simpsons Link ~ To get all those groovy pics

Homer Simpson! ~ For all those Homer fans out there!

Troy McClure ~ The quirky TV presenter from the Simpsons!
X Files ~ Okay, i haven't been here either, but it's supposedly worth a visit! It must be better than the official web site neways!

TV Scripts ~ Has hundreds of links and scripts from TV and film

The MP3 Lounge - Your outlet to all MP3's online.

Panamas.Net Free Cyber Cards - Free Postcards - Send a Free Cyber Card To A Friend or Love one. Lots of topics...Funny Card, Cyber Love Card, Hello Card, Congratulations Cards, and lots more...

MP3 Search - Search for all MP3's on the Internet.

Aureate Go!Zilla Free - Go!Zilla is a Freeware Internet utility that helps you manage your downloads. Download Files From The Fastest Site - Resume Broken Downloads - Search for files - Find Mirror Sites WorldWide - Schedule Downloads and more.

PC Greetings - Free electronic greeting cards, virtual flowers and digital postcards for all occasions.

Virtual Cupid - Online Resource Guide for Personals, Dating, Love, Sex, Romance, Intimacy, Relationships, Singles, Men, Women, Couples and Alternative Relationships.

Arrive 100% Free Web Domain Names Free e-mail & Free Redirect - ARRIVE 100% FREE WEB DOMAIN NAMES FREE E-MAIL & FREE REDIRECT. The NEW service that gives a FREE, permanent address for websites that is tailor-made for business or special interest.

Family Shoebox Free Web Sites - Your Shoebox includes unlimited space, Private or Public homepage, newsletter, calendar, always private chat and threaded discussion area along with other goodies--and you don't even need to know HTML. At the Family Shoebox, the distance makes no diff.

Crimcheck.Com Conduct Your Own Background Investigation. - How Well Do You Really Know Someone? Gain The Control And Confidence You Need With Crimcheck.Com. Conduct Background Checks On The Important People In Your Life

Fresh Flower Source - Flowers Cost Too Much! Why settle for days old, expensive flowers, when we will cut the freshest bouquets today, delivered tomorrow, at grower direct prices. Rose Bouquets $19.99!

Webmasters: Earn $1.10 Per Order of Free Issue of Money Magazine - Make $1.10 for each visitor who requests a free issue of Money Magazine! - This 150+ page site hosts IQ tests, puzzles, games, trivia, mind energizing software, high IQ society information, & contests for prizes.


Any questions/comments?? Well, you can sign my GUESTBOOK!!!
View Guestbook Sign Guestbook


So, thats it.  My totally unimpressive, quick and easy home page.   I hope u have enjoyed your stay, and i hope that despite the fact that I probably forced you to visit, you found it worth while!  Cya.

7448543 :

April 23 1998

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