Sullivan Biological Technologies (Sullivan Biotech, SBT)

Sullivan Biotech is on the edge of being a triple A corporation. They are the 11th largest corporation in the world during the spring of 2058. Based out of Louisville, Kentucky at this time, they plan to move their corporate headquarters to the Arcology currently being built on Mosenthein Island, St. Louis, South Missouri, CAS, when it is completed.

Sullivan exploded into the corporate big time in 2052, when it was able to market significantly cheaper versions of some popular biotech items. Despite claims of industrial espionage, patent infringement, and downright materials theft, none of which were proven, Sullivan used its newfound financial clout to rapidly expand its operations. It was fully diversified by 2055 and still growing. By late 2057, only the active resistance of the megacorporations kept them in the 11th place.

Sullivan’s biggest weakness, in the overall picture, is it’s relative lack of magical assets. This is not due to lack of effort, but active blocking of their acquisition by the megacorporations, particularly Ares and Aztechnology.

Sullivan is known to be aggressive and ruthless in it’s business practices. They make good use of gray, black, and shadow operations to expand and protect it’s operations.




Grissom Ballistic Industries (GBI)

Grissom Ballistic Industries is a small corporation based in St. Louis, South Missouri, CAS. Openly traded for about 5 years, GBI was a corporation that customized weapons and armor built by other companies, Similar to Bulldog Industries of the previous century. Their biggest contract was the design and customization of all weapons and armor used by the St. Louis Slaughter Urban Brawl team. Just recently (February 2058) Grissom introduced it’s first unique firearm, the Grissom Warhammer.

The Warhammer is a hybrid assault rifle/grenade launcher after the same market as the M22A2 and Ares Alpha. The most unusual aspect of the Warhammer is that the assault rifle is the under-barrel mount, instead of the grenade launcher. The rifle can be detached and used separately, although it lacks a stock when detached. The Warhammer also includes an integral dual sight system that includes both a smartlink system and an ultrasound sighting system.

One other original item produced by GBI is the Smartsite System. Designed for undercover and bodyguard work, this system integrates smartgoggles and ultrasound goggles into a pair of unobtrusive eyeglasses. These can be tinted however the buyer desires. Also included in the system is an induction glove and fiber optic cable for the transmission of targeting data from the weapon to the glasses. Held in place by a series of velcro straps, the fiber optic cable is supposed to be worn under the clothes and attaches to the wrist of the glove and the earpiece of the glasses. Cost: 3000 nuyen.