Living outside the Bubble since 1998

Aol IM: bobbybaylor1


I am currently reading: Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand.

2/7/02 Sigh

Seems like the folks that run my often visited personal pages no longer update. I acknowledge my guilt.

I am graduating in May, mere months away. What will happen to the Bubble when I am gone? Will this site become, Living outside the lines of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles since 2002? It is one thing to rebel, disagree, or mock your college while you attend, but what about your workplace? Your job, career, or whatever term you use to justify working is not something to mock. A definite conflict of interests arrive. Maybe this place will become a neglected place because it has one less institution to mock. If anyone has any suggestions, I will gladly accept.

1/30/02 Hints, Allegations, and Things left unsaid

A controversies is brewing in the Bubble. There is a new website, an electronic meet and greet if you will, for gay Baylor students. The site address has been chalked around campus for a week now, and the Waco Tribune Herald found out about it and published an article in Sunday's paper. Personally, I expected to see a mob of angry zealots burning pink triangles on Fountain Mall Monday morning, but much to my voyeuristic disappointment no protests were visible. I avoided the Lariat today because I did not want to be disappointed by Bubble student's bible laden rants on the evils of homosexuality. But I was surprised even-tempered, logical, and open minds prevailed. Score one for Baylor shedding the closed minded image. But I expect religious manifestos in the paper tomorrow. Will keep any non-bubble heads updated on the story.

1/14/02 I Cometh Backeth

Not that I really went anywhere other than home for Christmas. But anyways merry Christmas, happy New Year and all that jazz. Let's move onto some serious business.

I hate commenting on pop culture, but I seem to do it more and more often on this site, and I provide less and less substance anymore. But I must say that Shakira chick is really hot. I am not sure what here face looks like, because I am too mesmerized by her hip gyrations. If I ever meet a girl that can do the things Shakira does with her hips, I might just marry her regardless of intelligence, personality, and facial features.

12/16/01 Back When I Was Waging Peace Against the Visigoths

Q: Where is Steve Guttenberg?

A: Three Men and A Baby, Police Academy 1, 2, Short Circuit 1, and 2. Yeah, that should about explain it.

The search engine that most often sends people to my website it 72.72% of those visitors typed "snoop and dr dre porn movies". I merely shake my head in disgust.

12/15/01 Fed UP

I've been down for a few days because of a computer virus. I think my computer's clean now. The virus was probably from some bastard Israeli teenagers, who have been linked to a whole shit load of viruses lately, like they should have alot of time on their hands because they are not busy dodging suicide bombers or anything. By the way, has officially ceased all diplomatic ties with Israel, Palestine, the EU, Belgium, fundamentalist Christians, Zionist Jews, and Muslim Extemists. If you wonder why, pay attention to the claims made by the EU (they watch people around the world die, critisize the murdered, make excuses for the murderors, and refuse to become involved in any global affairs except for proteting their trade interests) Palestine and Israel make me sick. And religous extremists of all faiths make God look like a sham. In a lighter note, I have much respect for the British for sticking by the U.S.

If you can not tell, I am pissed off at the world right now.

12/6/01 The Evil Dead

The end of the semester and studying for finals have destroyed the last remains of my natural sleeping patterns. Consider: up 42 hours straight, Monday morning through Wednesday until around 2 a.m. Slept from 7 a.m. to noon on wednesday, then went to bed again on wednesday at 7:30 p.m. until 4 a.m. on Thursday. Glad Im done on Saturday.

Of the search engines that refer people to my site, 95.5% of them used google. Of those 95.5%, 80% of them entered the search "Jay-z sucks". Who would have guessed?

11/30/01 Rants abound

ic for some time now, I just have not felt like ranting lately. But we all knew that could not last for long. Also, this is the first public comment I have made in regards to the attacks on 9-11, it was something I just wanted think about for a long time.

As you might know, now all security checkers at airports are to be federal employees. I do agree with the new rules in regards to what passengers can and can not bring onto an airplanes, such as the no pocket knife, no box cutter, and no fingernail clipper restrictions. But even in this time of crisis in America, I do not think big government is the answer to our problems. First, ask yourself this question: Did the security checkers at Logan airport violate safety rules by allowing men with box cutters onto the planes? The answer is no, because the rule as of Sept. 11th was no person could bring a blade longer than four centimeters onto a plane. In hindsight, as ludicrous as it sounds, box cutters did not violate the pre-eleventh rules. Neither did that little pocket knife many of us have affixed to our key chains. In the current situation of privatized security, the people that let the terrorists can be fired from their jobs for incompetence and new, hopefully, more capable people can be hired. But not anymore, because it is easier to get to heaven than to have a federal employee fired. And the scary thing is the people that were security checkers prior to 9-11 will be the same folks doing the job post 9-11, but now they will be federal employees. Because basically all the private security checkers will be fired, but they will simply apply for their jobs again, but this time they will apply for a federal job all on your tax dollar.

11/28/01 Nothing in Particular

If your looking for a good movie recomendation, watch A Bridge Too Far. Make sure you block off about three hours to watch this World War II gem, because it is long. Sean Connery, Robert Redford, James Caan, Gene Hackman, Anthony Hopkins, and a whole slew of others star in the movie.

11/18/01 Thanksgiving

Some guy broke into my truck this weekend and stole my CD player. I got it back though. Waco PD caught the guy (thanks to some on the ball BU students). Maybe I'll get restitution, cause the guy did a job on my dash and window. I doubt it though, he probably doesn't have any money and thats why he was stealing in the first place. (Cue Captain Obvious here.)

I need to tone down the language here, this is a family site.

Everyone have a good Thanksgiving.

11/17/01 Dewar

The historical significance of the word rackjobber fails me, but check out the mind altering experiences there.

Meanwhile, the drink of the day is scotch. Not expensive single malts, the actual, from Scotland stuff, but the blends made for the American palate.

11/16/01 Ahhh...the good life

People never cease to amaze me, you know who you are, give me a call.

Some phrases coined by me, Bobby Baylor:

Whaaaaaaats Happenin? (gotta hear me say it)

Feels like sex in my mouth. ( best used when eating really good food)

Oh, your my bitch now, when I say fuck, you ask"how hard?" (best used when playing poker and you just cleaned up or in any other competitive endeavor in which you win)

11/5/01 Tag lines are over-rated

Here's a another new ad for the Horse Shoe.

Don't expect too many updates this week, I am going down to Houston on Wednesday for a job interview. Wish me luck.

11/2/01 Natural One

Here's a new ad for the Horse Shoe.

I am going to continue with the rants. Fast food restaurants suck. There is no such thing as getting food in under five minutes like the whole concept was based on. Because of, well im going to blame it on Burger King, the slogan "your way" everyone has to wait ten to fifteen minutes for fast food. Now everyone special orders food at every freakin restaurant. I'm sorry if you goto McDonalds you should expect shitty food. You want to know why? Because you can get the food in under five minutes. Five minutes, you get a meal, and get the hell out of there. I hate people that goto Mickie Ds, order a Big Mac, and ask for no sesame seeds on their buns. So you want some minimum wage worker to pick the sesames of you fuckin bun. What the hell? You know big macs have the seeds, if you do not like them, do not order them. Its not about getting good food or even what you want. Its about getting food fast and getting the hell out of the way of the next guy. You will not realize you didn't have tomatoes or sesame seeds after the crap gets to your stomach, so why specialize and slow the rest of us down? Its because the customer is always right. Bullshit. The customer is wrong. Fast-food means mass quantity food and fast. So don't special order. Get your food, be happy with it, and get out of the next guy's way.


Visit this Webb page so the harassment will stop.

Rap. It is an interesting genre of music. Personally, I used to like it. Back when rap was NWA, Dr. Dre and Snoop (before they became fathers and family men), and Ice T. That was when rap had substance. Many of the images portrayed in the art were based on some kind of reality. The whole east coast/west coast conflict was interesting, but way too played up. Now my friends and faithful readers, I am here to proclaim that rap is DEAD. There is no creativity left in mainstream rap. The soul is gone. Now all rap is how much bling bling and hos some new startup rapper has (which is a lie because they are new and will only have one hit song). Rap is at the point of excess that rock reached in the 80s with the hairbands. P Diddy sucks. Jay Z sucks. Master P is played out. All Dre and Snoop music are lies anymore, with maybe the exception of the last song by Dre on The Chronic 2001 about his brother Tyre. That had meaning and significance. Death Row is a joke, it only exists because of royalties from dead rappers and ones that left long ago. Rap is all image and substance anymore. Good video + over play the song = success. You doubt this equation, take Petey Pablo. Regional rap about North Carolina forced down the rest of America's throat. "North Carolina Raise up, take your shirt off, waive it like a helicopter..." No thanks, ill keep mine on and await the next wave of music. Like grunge went back to the basics from the excess of the 80s, the same will happen soon with rap. I don't know I could be wrong, but probably not.





Disclaimer: This site is not intended for anyone under 18 and where laws apply, 21. Everything on this site is copy righted by me, other than Baylor stuff. Dont mess with my stuff, and Baylor lawyers please leave me alone. This site is intended in no way to defame or slander Baylor University, it's affiliates, or the Southern Baptist Convention. Come on guys im just poking fun.

Bobby Cam