Welcome to Klingzai's Dominion! Here you will find lots of stuff on different subjects. This site is not devoted to any one thing, but to many different things that have nothing to do with each other. There are lots of files available to download including cursors, icons, pics, and lots of other stuff. Most of the work displayed on this site is my own, but many of the pics and some of the other files are not mine, so I will try to provide credit to anyone else's work. But sometimes I do not know who the original creator of the file or pic is, and I really don't care. If you find anything on this site that you created, e-mail me and I will remove the file from my site. Now, for my own safety, I am forced to include some legal stuff known as a disclaimer, so here goes: I am not responsible for anything that happens to you or your computer during or because of you accessing or downloading anything from this site. Everything on this site is free for anyone for any non-commercial usage. If you would like to use any of my files for commercial purposes, please e-mail me and we can decide on a course of action. If you find any files that you created, please let me know and I will remove them from my site. And, with all that said, thanks for visiting and enjoy!

Just to let you people know, most of everyting said above is just a lot of bull, but I don't feel like sifitng thru it to find the good stuff. That was what I was hoping to be on this page, but theres not that much here. I think that the only page worth looking at is my links page, because I made all the buttons there, and they look pretty kewl. --Klingzai

In each of the following pages, there are various files that others and I have made. All of my icons and cursors created with Microangelo. I also create most of my own graphics. These were all made with Paint Shop Pro. These programs are great for editing, and I would recommend them to anyone who wishes to be creative and try their own hand at any type of graphics editing.

My Tolkien Page

My Dungeons and Dragons Page

Remember that old, addictive Asteroids game?  Here it is.

This is the coolest page on my site!Download my cool fonts!

My linkz page has got to be the coolest page on my site, so don't hesitate to go and see it...

I am now offering to put people's links on my linkz page, so if you're interested, go to my links page!

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Copyright Christopher Magnell
