the_chief - 12/15/00 08:24:53 My Unladen flight speed of a swallow: 40kph African or European?: aaaaaaahhhhhh | Comments: hi, you've got quite alot of nice ideas for ships her. i found your link in the gladiators forum and well, i think i'll model some of your ships sooner or later (if i'm allowed to). keep the good work ! |
Britton - 09/16/00 05:58:13 My URL: My Favorite Movie: Wrath of Khan, Final Frontier, First Contact Unladen flight speed of a swallow: Is that an African swallow? African or European?: heh, European. Monty Python is great! | Comments: Swell site! Please check out my Star Trek online Role Playing pages at Thanks! Stay cool. |
Ub3rG33k - 07/01/00 08:16:22 My URL:/ub3rg33k My Favorite Movie: Titan A.E. Unladen flight speed of a swallow: Alone or in pairs? African or European?: With ot withOUT the JATO pod crammed up it's rear nacell? <8-)P | Comments: Excellent site! (Good luck with TW - I hope you can have her stuffed and used as a toilet plunger, like I'd like to do to *mine*...) I'll be back... this place is too much fun NOT to spend an hour on exploring all the lil cracks and crevases... And I think I may have to send you a few of my designs... Display them, hoarde them, print them and use them as TP (use recycled paper and print the images double sided, and use 2 sheets at at time for that more-comfy-two-ply-effect... hehehe), what-ever ou like... (If I *do* send you stuff, would you want me to classify them using your system, or just "leave that blank" and let you make up what-ever you think feels right? *Shrug* Hehehehe) Anyway, KUTGW... <8-)P PPPLLLBBbbbbbb.... An Admirer, Michael, aka ÜberGeek "With a twist!" |
Audrey - 05/21/00 22:59:58 Favorite Movie: Six Sense Unladen flight speed of a swallow: huh? African or European?: what? | Comments: i'm not to sure on your questions but i know that you have pretty pictures on your site! lol anyway, looks neat |
bob fried - 03/25/00 23:22:21 My Favorite Movie: the matrix;the entire alien series Unladen flight speed of a swallow: 60+? African or European?: either? | Comments: african swallow?i need to quit drinking. |
Rick VD - 03/23/00 00:59:18 My Favorite Movie: YOUR"S Unladen flight speed of a swallow: down hard African or European?: american outlaw | Comments: Hello Chopper |
Josh - 02/28/00 22:03:24 My Favorite Movie: Star Trek (First Contact) Unladen flight speed of a swallow: Miles or kiliometers? African or European?: It all depends | Comments: I really also liked Monty Python and the holy grail. "It is just a bunny rabbit".AHHHHHHH!!!!! STAR TREK RULES!!!!!!!!! |
Jeff Raven - 01/30/00 21:57:53 My URL: My Favorite Movie: Braveheart Unladen flight speed of a swallow: Not fast enough African or European?: Yes. | Comments: Very cool site. Especially enjoyed the ships that Starfleet never built...hehehe |
Lucas Wallencheck - 12/24/99 04:58:56 My URL: My Favorite Movie: ST: First Contact Unladen flight speed of a swallow: 12 cm's per nano second African or European?: It's a mutated combo | Comments: Hi! I loved your page so i want to invinte you one to I thin that you will love as well! My name is Lieutenant Lucas Wallencheck of the Outpost 10 Forward department of communications. Are you interested in going to a Star Trek chat where there are ALWAYS kind, friendly people to talk to without worrying about being discriminated? We have S curity personel who phaser trouble makers that do not abide by our Prime Directives. Are you interested in climbing the ranks of starfleet? Are you interested in learning some skills? Well why not come to.... Outpos Ten Forward….. It’ll be the best decision you ever made. |
Jim/Nuts - 10/04/99 19:34:18 My Favorite Movie: The Matrix Unladen flight speed of a swallow: To drunk to remember African or European?: African? | Comments: Cool site! I used to draw up spaceships when I was in High School. I was thinking that I was never going to get to this site. I used ICQ to locate under user's details. Quite handy. Take care and I enjoyed your site now that I know how to find it! |
Peter Lucas - 09/11/99 12:59:02 My Favorite Movie: starwars episode 1 African or European?: European | Comments: really cool |
crimson - 08/25/99 03:18:51 My URL: My Favorite Movie: hackers? Unladen flight speed of a swallow: crack? what? African or European?: none of the above | Comments: cool page |
Greg Pierce - 08/10/99 03:56:13 My Favorite Movie: Stripes Unladen flight speed of a swallow: PDF African or European?: There was one? | Comments: |
max lynch - 06/13/99 03:46:02 My Favorite Movie: startrek first contact | Comments: i really love the designs you have on your unbilt fleet site. keep it up you are keeping the startrek spirit alive. |
metroid 337 - 06/08/99 18:11:09 My Email:Metroid 337 @ Favorite Movie: star trek 3 Unladen flight speed of a swallow: warp.00081 African or European?: Eoropean | Comments: Cool web site! live long and prosper.- Spock |
jeph christoff - 05/08/99 01:36:15 My URL: My Favorite Movie: Armagedon Unladen flight speed of a swallow: 2 miles/hour African or European?: european - of course | Comments: great site, i like the backgrounds & trek art, as well as the "Ships Starfleet Didn't Build" page - very cool. |
Daryus Aden - 02/16/99 03:25:59 Unladen flight speed of a swallow: 36 mph African or European?: African | Comments: Nice - I like the new look. -Daryus |
Snake hips - 02/11/99 13:31:22 My Email:JPipes8785@AOL.COM Favorite Movie: The Crow | Comments: Chopper, your site is very well done. How did you do this? I'm just learning how to just get around right now. Guess Who I found on the web? Vernon Pipes, I'm mailing a letter today. |
Olita Dunehew - 02/05/99 21:50:15 | Comments: Hello,son, I'm at the library in Carmichael. I do not know what I'm doing .{Rats. |
Baloo - 01/03/99 19:53:27 My URL:This one, silly! My Favorite Movie: Several of them. Unladen flight speed of a swallow: 10,000 mph on a good day. African or European?: depends on when you clock 'im. | Comments: I seem to be discovering (rather, being discovered by lots of relatives lately. If this keeps up, I'll have to change the site name to "Dunehew Reunion Site!" ![]() |
John Dunehew - 01/02/99 01:20:57 My Favorite Movie: little mermaid | Comments: hello cousin. My daughter Lisa told me about u. If you have any information about our family, please write, or write anyway. I was born in Memphis 12/3/43. I think Lisa gave you the rest that we know. If not let me know. I have talked to Seth Dunehew in D llas. He is from Mo. Let me hear from you if you have time. |
Aprel - 12/06/98 18:56:59 My | Comments: as hesitant as i am to admit it.. i think we might be related... (smile).. nice page.. and the humor certainly is dunehew allright!!!!!!!! aprel dunehew |
darren dunehew - 12/06/98 18:45:01 My Favorite Movie: the day the earth stood still Unladen flight speed of a swallow: 65 mph African or European?: both | Comments: looks good...... |
Bad Bunny10/16/98 07:37:51 | Comments: Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook |
Debbie Dunehew - 10/15/98 22:26:20 My Favorite Movie: Wizard of Oz Unladen flight speed of a swallow: Huh? African or European?: Again--huh? | Comments: Hi there! I just read the history of your life according to you, and I was interested to note the differences in perceptions between yours and mine. I guess you would know, though, since it is your life! L8R, dude! Love & Kisses, Your Sister |
Robert (Baloo) Dunehew - 09/25/98 22:40:14 My URL: My Favorite Movie: "Hoppity Goes to Town" by Max Fleischer Studios (It depends on when I'm asked, okay?) Unladen flight speed of a swallow: 10,000 MPH (on a good day) African or European?: Both. Neither. Who knows? | Comments: I deleted an entry here because I discovered it wasn't put in here by a person, but an automated, spam-like program. The link was to a soft-porn site with links to hard-core porn sites. Since a lot of the denizens of Geocities are underage, I decided i was best to remove the link. If you really want to find that sort of thing, you can look for it yourself. ![]() |
![]() Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 13:20:42 My URL: My Comments:
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