26 Feruary 2005: Fixed the link to a file (Gmtline.doc) on the GMtline.htm page. (Yep, it's been a long, long time, but now I'm back!)
21 May 2000: Added new informaton under "Who's Baloo: (in the "Boiler Plate" section).
27 April 2000: Added the Jii'Kangj class battlecruiser (in the "Klingon Intelligence Report").
9 April 2000: Re-painted the SARPEV Mk I and the Shenandoah in "Ships Starfleet Never Built".
8 April 2000: Added a new ship (the Goblin heavy fighter) to "Ships Starfleet Never Built".
Also: re-painted the Chevalier heavy fighter (in the same section).
5 April 2000: Added a new ship (the Bireme class cruiser) to "Ships Starfleet Never Built".
4 April 2000: Added a new ship (the Cochrane Interstellar Express civilian transport) to "Ships Starfleet Never Built".
30 March 2000: Added a new ship (the Condor light cruiser) to the "Romulan Intelligence Report".
26 March 2000: Added a new ship (the jaDiich destroyer) to the "Klingon Intelligence Report".
25 March 2000: Added a new ship (the D'Ktahg heavy fighter) to the "Klingon Intelligence Report".
23 March 2000: Added 2 new ships (the Barn Owl cruiser and the Albatross agressor cruiser) to the "Romulan Intelligence Report".
19 March 2000: Added 2 new ships (the Osprey heavy destroyer and the Cardinal fast frigate) to the "Romulan Intelligence Report".
18 March 2000: Added a new ship (the Ogre class battlecruiser) to "Ships Starfleet Never Built".
17 March 2000: Added a new ship (the jaK'toH heavy transport) to the "Klingon Intelligence Report".
16 March 2000: Added two new ships (the baHwI' heavy destroyer and the quVbeY' fast cruiser) to the "Klingon Intelligence Report".
In other news, The Alpha Quadrant's prized (and only) ship designer (me
) has been awarded (drum roll, please):
Starbuck's Shipyard rank of Captain! Thanks, Starbuck! The Award is posted on the Awards page.
14 March 2000: Added five new ships (the "Tyrannosaur" heavy battle cruiser, the "Apatosaur" heavy carrier, the "Brachiosaur" heavy carrier, the "Quetzalcoatl" distant early warning (DEW) cruiser, and the "Gavial" heavy fighter) to the "Gorn Intelligence Report".
13 March 2000: Added a new ship (the Mariah class special purpose frigate) to "Ships Starfleet Never Built".
11 March 2000: Added a new ship (the Chapparral class light exploration cruiser) to "Ships Starfleet Never Built".
8 March 2000: Added a new ship (the "Triceratops" research cruiser) to the "Gorn Intelligence Report".
I also renamed all the files in the GIR and expanded some of the write-ups.
6 March 2000: Added two new ships (the DaVinci class research frigate and the Hawkeye class reconnaissance frigate) to "Ships Starfleet Never Built".
I also modified the Dhole class write-up and illustration. I recently figured out that with its original configuration, the outer portion of the saucer section would only have five-foot ceilings, so I thickened that portion of the hull.
5 March 2000: Added a new ship (the Jupiter class heavy cruiser) to "Ships Starfleet Never Built".
2 March 2000: Added a new ship (the Behemoth class heavy transport) to "Ships Starfleet Never Built". Also added the ninth VIVA LAS VEGAS report (on Starfleet's Laws of Armed Conflict).
1 March 2000: I'm about done revising the place. If you find any broken links or other errors, (and if you have the time) please email me and tell me what to fix. I might not stumble across it for months otherwise!
I also added several new ships. The Mark 1 and Mark 1a shuttlecraft have been added to "Ships Starfleet Never Built"; the AvwI'quv (Honor Guard) general purpose shuttlecraft has been added to the Klingon Intelligence report; the Sparrow light shuttlecraft and Duck general purpose shuttlecraft have been added to the Romulan Intelligence Reportl; and the Gecko class general purpose shuttlecraft has been added to the Gorn Intelligence Report.
22 February 2000: Added a new ship (the Hiryu class fast frigate) to Ships Starfleet Never Built.
29 February 2000: I'm revising the site a bit. I put Ships Starfleet Never Built and all the intelligence reports under a new heading: "Starship Catalogue". I also added two new ships (the Cormorant fast cruiser and the Gull class fast destroyer) to Romulan Intelligence report.
I'll be rearranging things a bit but everything ought to be finished in a few days. Thanks for putting up with the mess until then.
22 February 2000: Added a new ship (the Hiryu class fast frigate) to Ships Starfleet Never Built.
22 February 2000: Added 2 new ships (the "Starhawk" heavy fighter and the "Raven" countermeasures fighter [heavy]) to the Romulan Intelligence Report.
21 February 2000: Added a new ship (the "D-7/Chal'Jach" fast frigate) to the Klingon Intelligence Report.
20 February 2000: Added a new ship (the "Merlin" reconnaissance frigate) to the Romulan Intelligence Report.
19 February 2000: Updated the Borchardt entry in Ships Starfleet Never Built.
(Corrected discrepancies between the views and reduced the size of the image to 640x480. Added more material to the description and re-did the dimensions.)18 February 2000: Added a new ship (the Cobra class cruiser) to Ships Starfleet Never Built.
17 February 2000: Added a link to Hikoki:1946, a site dedicated to the Japanese X-planes of WW II.
16 February 2000: Added two new ships (the Cargile class destroyer and the Sands class light exploration cruiser) to Ships Starfleet Never Built.
Also added three new Smileys (in the Boilerplate section).
15 February 2000: Revised the write-ups of the Hunley and Norway point-defense fighters to correct discrepencies in their descriptions, and revised the image of the Hunley to correct dimensional errors between the different views, adding a front view of the trainer version (in Ships Starfleet Never Built).
12 February 2000: Added a new ship (The Destrier class heavy battle cruiser) to Ships Starfleet Never Built.
11 February 2000: Added a new ship (the Dhole class escort frigate) to Ships Starfleet Never Built.
8 February 2000: Added a new ship (the Pelican class heavy fleet support vessel) to Ships Starfleet Never Built.
7 February 2000: Added a new ship (the Lancer class heavy fighter) to Ships Starfleet Never Built.
5 February 2000: Added a new ship (the Aerie class heavy carrier) to Ships Starfleet Never Built.
29 January 2000: Added a new ship (the Liberty class light assault cruiser) to Ships Starfleet Never Built.
27 January 2000: Added a new ship (the SLM-1 Starbus class light freighter) to Ships Starfleet Never Built.
25 January 2000: Added a new ship (the OOaah class research frigate) to Ships Starfleet Never Built.
4 January 2000: Added a new ship (the Pterosaur corvette) to the Gorn Intelligence Report.
4 January 2000: Uploaded a corrected version of the Norwhal (in Ships Starfleet Never Built). The old version's front and side views did not "agree" (The hull was much lower and thinner on the side view, and the wings rode too high).
8 December 1999: Added a new ship to "Ships Starfleet Never Built". The GPS-III was a general-purpose aerodynamic shuttle that was introduced before the "breadboxes" of TOS.
25 November 1999: Added a picture ("How fast?") to the Star Trek and Space Art section.
16 November 1999: Added a graphic (Boiler Plate) for the segment formerly called "Legalese", plus added a short article on how I classify starships (in that section).
18 September 1999: Finalized a new entry in "Ships Starfleet Never Built". The Bohr class was a cruiser that replaced (or perhaps supplemented) the Daedalus class as an exploration vessel. If you saw it before this date, check again. The description has been added to.
4 September 1999: Rearranged the WW II Superheroes section to allow for expansion. Added the "Timeline for a Supers Campaign". All WW II documents (all 2 of 'em, thus far) are available for download as MS Word 6.0 documents.
8 August 1999: Added four images to the Friendship's page (in Ships Starfleet Never Built). Two images are "Artist's concept" images rendered in 3-D by Darrell Lawrence (WarriorDL). The other two represent the ship as it "actually appeared" during it's service life. These last two images were rendered in 3-D by David Bruha (Salek).
My profuse thanks go out to both of them for taking the time to render the Friendship this way. Please email them to tell them how much you liked the new pics. Their nicknames above are hyperlinked to their email addresses.
7 August 1999: Added a "Smiley" section to go along with the Bio and Legalese.
5 July 1999: (Post-Yahoo/Geocities merger)
Finally figured out how to log on so I could upload the latest ship: The Friendship class. It is (purportedly) the ship that the Constitution class had to beat (and did, I might add) to be put in production.31 March 1999: Rated Lt.Commander by Svens StarTrek Page.
Also 31 March: Went through all the pages to change "The Other Official (etc...)" to "Alpha Quadrant Institute of Technology".
If you see anywhere that I left the old name, let me know so I can fix it.30 March 1999: I finally decided to change the name of the site to something less cumbersome. Welcome to the Alpha Quadrant Institute of Technology.
Even as an acronym, TOORBDW was a bit unwieldy.
(Now maybe Yahoo will finally list me!)25 March 1999: Rated "Lieutenant Commander" by Rick's Galaxy
(see the awards page).21 March 1999: Added a new ship, the "Raptor", to the Romulan Intelligence Reports.
14 March 1999: Uploaded the Gungnir, a battleship.
Also 14 March 1999: Added a link to "Sluggy Freelance" (in "Items of Interest"), a wonderfully strange and funny online comic strip.
13 March 1999: Put two new ships up in Ships Starfleet Never Built. The Civilian Shuttlepod and the Shuttle GT.
08 March 1999: FINALLY finished the site's facelift. All the text should be the same shade of yellow now.
I'm working on some new ships and one or two new VIVA LAS VEGAS entries. Stay tuned!
20 February 1999: Added two new ships to Ships Starfleet Never Built:
The Lippershay class runabout (a reconnaissance vessel)
and the Michelson C3I cruiser.
Both vessels are designed to work in concert.15 February 1999: Re-did the main page to this site.
If there are any broken links, please email me right away so I can fix it.31 January 1999: Added a new ship, the Le Mat, to "Ships Starfleet Never Built".
It's a "space dominance fighter".5 January 1999: made slight changes to the file in "Role Playing Stuff".
You can now download or view the original document in MS Word 6.0 format by clicking a link.1 January 1999: Added a link ( in Trek Links) to:
Star Trek: Door Repair Guy,
It's the most entertaining parody of Star Trek I have ever had the pleasure of reading.
(All text and no graphics.)27 December 1998: This site was rated OUTSTANDING by Starfleet Military Reserves. I am deeply honored. I would also like to thank all the little people who helped win this award (but elves prefer to remain anonymous. ;) ).
26 December 1998: Added the D'K'Leth (a mission-configurable frigate) to the Klingon Intelligence Report.
23 December 1998: This site was rated at 3 pips by Sector 001.
Really! go look at the Awards page!11 December 1998: Awarded "the prestigious Robert (Baloo) Dunehew "I Like This" Award for Excellence!" (fifth award) to Bernd Schneider's Star Trek Website, home of a variety of intriguing conjectural starship designs, amongst other things.