By the decree of the Epetai of The Mighty House Tuq’mar,
Commander K’tak Sutai-Tuq’mar,
This site is off line for repair and upgrade

A letter from the Epetai

Many moons ago I had to step down as Epetai of the mighty house due to
political B.S. and backstabbing within 2 klingon based fandom groups at which
time I also left those same 2 groups until the time came when I could return to fandom as
well as House Tuq’mar, and that time is now. In my albescence the Cha’dich,
Lt Commander K’tulu vestai-Tuq’mar, has done his best to try to hold things together but
as we all know when there is a battle between real life and fandom real life must always win out.

We are currently in the process of updating and upgrading the house website and at this time
we are contacting all of our House Members, Line Houses and Allies to re-establish contact and get
the lines of commutations re-opened.

Please contact me ASAP if you fall into one of these categories.

Kai Kassai!

Commander K’tak Sutai-Tuq’mar ISB, KAD, CK, MAD.
Epetai The Mighty House Tuq’mar