

I was born into House Sesus. I was a good child and did my best to please my parents. Yet, it was not to be. Sesus members often encouraged artistic ability in their children. ---But I had none. It was not that I was just not good at it--I was terrible at it! I could not carry a tune to save my life. My paintings and sculptures did not resemble anything in the known world. And my poetry did not rhymn. Needless to say, I embarrassed my parents on more than one occasion during recitals and such.

But there was one thing I was good at--sports! I excelled in physical activities, especially archery and sword play.

Normally, my parents would have sent me to an artistic school, but they saw no hope for me in that area. Hence, I went to a military type school. There I was able to sharpen my skills with the bow and sword. And I even learned more then just self-defense from the martial arts teacher.

While in Primary School, I met a girl named Sarah. One day at school, the bear we were supposed to be studying got loose from its cage. It went straight towards Sarah, but I kicked it in the gut and saved her. Ever since then, she was my best friend while I was in school.

The last year of my primary schooling was the worst year to date. That was the year that Becky transfered to our class. She had been kicked out of her other school for fighting in class. After coming to our school, she imediatly took a liking to Sarah. I did not see a problem with Sarah being friends with both of us, but Becky did. She was jealous of how much time Sarah and I spent together. She wanted Sarah all to herself.

Every morning, Becky would challenge me to a fight useing one of the many followers she had gotten in class. Every morning, I defeated each follower, one by one. But in order to do this, I was late to class every day. It got so bad, that word of my tardiness got to my parents. Fearing humiliation from me again, they personally forbid me from being late to school. That was when the last straw fell on the camel's back...

The one thing that many children fear happened to me---Becky exalted! It was getting close to graduation, and Becky wanted to fight one last time. This time she was fighting me by herself. I refused and walked calmly to school so that I would not be late again. Becky would have none of that. At the gate to the school grounds, Becky picked me up and threw me across the school yard. A lot of the students had not entered the building yet, so there were quite a few people outside to witness this display of power. As I stood up, I saw the mark on Becky's forehead and I knew what had happened. As we all know, nothing attracts a crowd more than a fight ---and we attracted a very large crowd. Some teachers came to break up the ruckus, but there was little they could do.

I fought as best I could, but I was thrown around like a stuffed doll. It got to the point where she could hurt me just by standing next to me. This time Sarah came to my rescue. The stress from the conflict had caused Sarah to exalt. She used arrows to injure Becky in the thigh and shoulder. Becky turned toward Sarah in shock and pain--while I crawled away from Becky's anima. Becky fell down from exhaustion and pain, and the surgeons came to help her.

The school kicked me and Becky out for fighting. Sarah was able to graduate because she had broken up the fight. But I did not finish school.

My parents were disappionted that I had not exalted like the other children, and embarrased that I had lost the fight. Hence, they did not bother having me graduate and pulled me from the list for secondary school. Having humiliated them for the last time and obviously not a Dragon-Blooded, they sent me away to live with my sister. I would not be trouble to the family so far away.

While with my sister, I eventually exalted--but into a Dragon-Blooded. I exalted into a Solar --Demon of my family! Afraid of my sister's anger, I hid for a few days in the woods, thinking about my situationl. I decided that the best way I could help all the exalted and humans in the world was to try to reform the Realm from the inside. Hence, the Night Caste was the perfect Caste for the job.

Having made this descision, I returned to my sister's house. I revealed to her what I was, and asked for her to try to understand. She was shocked at first, but then thought of a good way to put me to use. She bought me armour and weapons, and even a war horse. This way, I could help my town as by protecting it from bandits and undead and fairies and anything else that might threaten it. And so, it has been for a long time.

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