You know you're crazy when....
- you endlessly quote Peewee Herman.....
- you spontaneously get up and sing "Copa Cabana" and do a little dance in the middle of class.....
- you find endless amusement in watching cars go by....
- you do "Riverdance" in the halls....
- you "go towards the light" whenever you can....
- you eat a lot of cheese....
- you shave your dog, paint him brown, staple antlers to his head and throw him in the woods during moose season; "just to see what happens"....
- Barney delivers a powerful message to you on PBS at 3:30 everday....
- you watch Titanic over and over, to see if the boat actually sinks again....
- you hear "Are you Jimmy Ray?" and yell into the radio, "YES!"....
- you assume the song "Baby Beluga" is about you and write a very heated letter to Raffi....
- you thought the friendly giant was your grandfather....
- you get in the habit of shillacking everything you see; (including your cat, who now makes a very nice wall ornament, and doubles as a coat rack) and you accidentally intake some shillack.
- you eat wax fruit and don't get sick....
- you slam your fingers in the car door for amusement....
- you ride a unicycle to school....
- the voices inside your head tell you to play nice....
- you only wear orange and yellow....
- you have a fear of umbrellas because you think that they swallow you whole....
- you built a tree house and only invited your pet iguana in....
- you can't sleep without your sooky blanket....
- you AGAIN torture your dog by dressing him in a mink fur coat and tossing him into a throng of animal rights activists....
- when on the internet, you only talk in your best Japanese accent....
- your best friend is the PC handyman....
- you torture you dog (YET AGAIN) by shaving him and tattooing B-I-N-G-O on his butt. Then, whenever he uses the bathroom, you sing the BINGO song....
- you wear a different Elvis wig everyday....
- you are obsessed with Star Wars and you strap cinnamon buns to your ears, so you can look just like Princess Leia....
- you eat the cinnamon buns afterwards....
- you think of things in opposites, so everytime you see a STOP sign, you GUN the engine....
- you take delight in wearing frilly underwear....
- your best friend is a computer....
- you can belch the national anthem of Cambodia....
- you dance the macarena on the internet, describing your every move....
- you only eat the purple hearts in the Lucky Charms....
- you think you're a "telepathic liar"....
- you are the founder of the "I Love Barney Club"....
- you think you invented the lightbulb....
- you think E=mc squared is the recipe for McDonald's fries....
- you get a 99% on your test and freak out....
- you get out of the car James Bond style....
- you think you are the famous spy, 007; and take your milk shaken-not stirred....
- "Barbie Girl" is the most beautiful song you've ever heard....
- you wear your clothes inside out just to start a new fashion trend....
- you eat worms....
- you giggle uncontrollably at the sight of mashed potatoes....
- your teddy bear is named Floyd....
- your only friends are sock puppets....
- you unknowingly mark yourself with a highlighter and later run around, having a panic attack because you think you're turning into one of the Simpsons....
- when you heard your computer had a virus, you tried to nurse it back to health by feeding it chicken soup through "that little slot thingy"....
- you get on the roof of the school with a high powered rifle and demand that they get the carebears to come meet you....
- you once again torture your dog by cutting him a Mohawk and dying it purple...
- you wanna be a Spice Girl....
- you paint your house rainbow so that you can search for a pot of gold in your back garden....
- you turn all the pictures on your wall backwards because you insist all the people are staring at you....
- you think a q-tip is supposed to go in one ear and out the other (why else would there be cotton on both ends?)....
- you have a sudden hankering for Chinese food so you start to dig a hole in the ground (everyone knows you have to dig your way to China!)....
- you have a pet pig named Porketta....
These "Crazy" terms are not meant to offend anybody...if they do, I apologize.
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