The Humor of the X-Files
The Humor of the X-Files
Well, this is my attempt to tickle 'Philes' funny bones.
Below, you will find the links to stories that, in my opinion, will cause you to start
The Gossamer Archives is another great place to
go for all kinds of great fanfic.
- Coffee Maker Catastrophes (PG-13)

- is my newest fanfiction. It's a mixture of sugar, cream, and laughs, which I think you'll enjoy. Anyone who loves coffee like I do should understand the dynamic duo's predicament in this story.
- Mulder, You are Not a Vampire (PG)
- is
my first finished fanfic (try saying that five times fast).
- Mulder I am Not a Vampire(PG-13)
- is my second finished one, and the sequel to the one above, though not as good, IMHO. This one has got some angst, so be patient with my poor little creation, please.
- Consortium Downsizing (G) by Ophelia
- is a great piece of work, and features Krycek as a telephone table. Thanks to Ophelia for letting me use her piece.
- The Blessed One Bites the Bullet(G) by Flywoman
- is a funny tribute to the humor of the sistren and brethren of the OBSSE. I salute her work, and I hope you do too.
Other Rooms in My Home
The Main Room
The Romance Room
The Dark Angel's Lair
You're number
. Are you laughing yet?

Email Me
Any mention of, image of, or reference to The X-Files is TM and/or Copyright Fox Network, 1013 productions, and, of course, Chris Carter, the surfer guru.
The pictures are courtesy of the webmistress Pam at the X-Files Multimedia Archive. Thanks.
I made this website, with the help of Geocities, and the help of my warped, caffeine overhauled
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