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Oral Sex Donations Accepted This page really sucks. This is me wearing fuzzy houseshoes, ragged t-shirt and some sort of boxers or something first thing in the morning. In other words, this is crap and is just here because its the thing holding the rest of the site anchored in one place. Most people just have a "click here" sign, but I'm skipping that and saying "click there." Byebye.

These are the homeless people I adopted.
Adopt-A-Bunch-Of-Homeless-People (tm)

Click on the adoption certificate to adopt your own bohemian.

Adoption Certificate

Anyway, these next links are to other "aspects" of my world. Of course, do remember that I'm working on them, and I'm still trying to find anything that would interest people, ergo, its not very good.

My Shrine to Xellos!

New! My Pets!
New!My Profile on AOL
A Few PC Links
My Take on Discordia
My Wheel of Time Fanpage
My Views on Religion and Politics

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This page updated on 08/10/01

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