Welcome to Dinmyer's Haven
Operated by: Ed Ballou
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my homepage since June 30, 2000!!! Isn't that special?!?!
Well, this would be my first homepage, hope you like its
crappiness. Oh well, tough. :) Hey, improvements are
coming along...
I am a junior at South Dakota State University majoring in Computer Sciences. I'm a devout Christian. I fish when I can and read "The Wheel of Time" series by Robert Jordan. I also read the "Left Behind" series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. It's about Jesus coming back and Rapturing his people and what happens to those who are left behind, hence the title. If you haven't read it yet, I suggest you check it out. I work at a company called Daktronics, they do scoreboard and display systems for places all around the world (check out their sight here). My high school sports included Golf, the Rifle Team, and the Drill Team. Golf is self explanitory. The rifle team is lining up in a firing range and shooting at a target 10 meters (30 ft.) away for points on how close you get to the bullseye. We took first place this year at the European Championships with a team score of 1375/1500, and I got the best marksman in Europe title with a score of 283/300. Check out my pics page for a pic of me and my trophy. The drill team is a combination of things. You march around with a weapon and in other events you spin the weapon and do some cool looking stuff with it. This year we took third place in Europe. My partner and I got second place in Europe for Individual Exhibition. In high school, I was a 3.826 cumulative GPA student with a class ranking of 4 out of 22.
My dad, Ross, teaches JROTC at Camp Zama, Japan. My mom, Sandra,
works at an elementary school near Camp Zama. My brother, Eric, is the oldest and lives with his wife, Susan, in Atlanta. My sister, Emily, and her husband, Dusty, live near Minneapolis. Emily has a Masters in Biology. I'm the youngest and well, I've pretty much told you enough about me.
I hope to update this page as frequently as I can with much cooler stuff as I learn more. Check out the links cause you might just need them some day.
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Some Scribblins' of Mine
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The Trip to TN Pics... :)
Scooter's Place (The Sun Conure)
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