Vale of Dreams - Last updated 11/22/03
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Step into my parlor said the spider...

The Vale of Dreams is a roleplaying setting that existed for approximately 3 and a half years that attempted to combine all the usual aspects of a fantasy roleplaying setting with the seamier, more plot and character driven, aspects of political and social intrigue usually found in other genres. The setting was dominated by a single corporate entity called Darkhold Enterprises, whose public persona was that of a benevolent, socially responsible, business firm. The experiment was a resounding success and I remain thankful to all who participated in it.

Since then, the setting has been closed. However, many of the players of the setting have moved on to a new setting. This site contains information both about the prior setting and some of the characters inside of it, the site's founder Valas, and also some examples of stories that occurred within the setting. All in all, a relatively interesting place to poke around in.

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