Friends Of The Dragon
This link will take you to my first web page. It was done with a web wizard and more or less sucks, but hey you got to start some where.
This site belongs to a cool friend of mine. It covers various topics and situations. If you need a change of pace give this site a spin and hopefully you'll get a good laugh.
Yahoo is the best search engine that I have ever used. It has far more URL's to choose from. It's quick and easy. Go ahead take a wack at it.
This is a really good place to go if your just starting to learn HTML. It lists the basic code you will need to get on your way to creating your own web page.
This site contains hundreds of cool counters all for free. There are many different fonts and styles to choose from.
Here you will find numerous free 3D art. I myself use some of the images found here.
This lady has got some talent. She offers a variety of free stuff like: Lines,button,backgrounds,bullets,gif's and much more. Stop in and pay her a visit.
This site also belongs to a good friend of mine. This site is for Japanese Anime fans.If you feel the need for some good Anime feel free to pay Tom a visit.
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