Strange Creatures We traveled for long time. We had started with our hope to find others one day. Now we succeed. The spacecraft with our forty forsaken souls has crossed an unimaginable distance. And we found another world. A planet as big as our home, as blue as our home and as beautiful as our home. A solar system comparable with ours. It wasn’t possible to describe the way we delighted. After our eternal voyage, we found the aim. However, what we discovered, revealed itself soon as a disappointment. We tried a contact. But we became aware that this world had been split in numerous communities separating each other. Promptly, we had to recognize that they were very frightened. Too frightened. We dealt with the leaders of the greatest societies and almost caused a tremendous global conflict; many considered us to be invaders wanting to exterminate the population. They threatened us with their nuclear weapons. Fortunately, we could pacify them. Nevertheless, we weren’t able to avoid the global riots establishing after our arrival. A lot of blood was poured all over the planet, although we declared our intention of peace. Our spacecraft was circling the planet in a low orbit. We wanted to stay awhile. Before we flew back to our realm, we had to form a favorable relationship with this species. Our mission seemed not easy. Again and again, we arranged dates and met with the masters. We had could dodge the first anxieties, but now more and more, fear mixed with anger confronts us. But what we had done? When we spoke with a leader of one community, another one of another community was furious! They blamed us to collaborate with some folks to get the absolute ascendancy over the whole globe! It sounded insane. We started arguing among each other, how to keep acting. Suddenly they shot a nuclear missile. Its target was our vessel! In the last moment, we had been able to start defense torpedoes intercepting the deadly assault. That was enough! Presently, we were badly enraged! We hadn’t would war. We thought we could built a brotherhood! We compared these culture with our own! We were wrong, these were killers, inhuman, brutal killers! We had tried to ignore their appearance; perverse long fingers, crooked physique, small and pale heads... not aliens... but freaks! These strange, ugly creatures, completely different. In fact, in our history, of course, we had had a similar social structure! We also had had such nuclear weapons, we even had used them sometimes! But we realized that this civilization is utmost devilish! We came in peace, and we were attacked! We decamped and took a new position in an orbit of another planet in their sun system. That planet had a hostile surface and atmosphere, no life, so we regarded it as a possibility for debating about that antagonistic species. One was certain: We did had to avoid a further confrontation with them. They showed us their barbaric soul. They would have killed us, if we had given them the opportunity ones more! But although we abominated these beings, some scientist even believed to had found a valuable, enigmatic life form we had to investigate. Our automatic alert systems cried with blaring sirens as a little object was nearing us. It had come from that folk on the planet. We captured it. It was a neutron bomb. We deactivated the fuse. Now, we knew how to continue with this species. What if other voyagers would find them? They probably wouldn’t survive. Even we as an old, wise race resisted only with luck. So, a clear decision became easy. God had made a big fault, we would correct it. We reactivated the bomb and sent it back. Back to the planet its inhabitants called earth.