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J & J's Place: Star Trek, Movies, Music, TV and more!

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Take a few minutes and enjoy Santana before you enter...

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Just click on either Animaniacs picture
below to see what's here.
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Here's what's new:
11/1/99Alistair MacLean-One of my favorites!-Updated 1/11/00
1/11/00Are you ready for Stephen King?
1/16/00Martin Caidin added to SciFi Books.
1/16/00Killer (I like to think so anyway) Star Trek pages updated to include a novels section.
1/18/00Timothy Zahn added to SciFi Books.
Even if you've surfed our place before things are always being tweaked and nudged around. Please surf them as if you've never been here every once in a while.
EyeballKeep your eyes open for stuff
Coming Soon!
More Lady J opinions
More pics for the photo album
Funny Stuff

Our entry point is Animaniacs because
Lady J lured J into her life by saying,
"Hey, come over and watch this REALLY COOL cartoon!"

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