Welcome To the AQSG Training
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The AQSG Training Center is dedicated to give new and experienced players the tools needed to make the Role Playing Experience a positive and enjoyable one.
The AQSG Academy is a self-paced individual study course for new Role Players. This is one of the only (if not the only) Role Playing Academy's of it's kind and is designed to provide the new player with the tools needed to participate in one of the many AQSG games.
In order to graduate, the new player must complete each of the 10 blocks of study. Each block is broken down by the various topics that could or will be encountered when Role Playing. This course of study is also designed to provide Starfleet, Klingon, Romulan, Maquis, and Cardassian Fleets members with the tools needed to play.
One of the most exciting aspects of this Academy is the fact that you can begin playing on your chosen ship immediately. This mean no annoying delays or having to start out as a Cadet with others who are at different levels of ability. You are allowed the opportunity to play as you learn. In your first few days or weeks (depending on your skill level) you work with a Training Advisor (mentor) and your Captain in a team effort to make your start an enjoyable one.
For the more experiened players, we have a Command Training Course. This is for players that have been in the games a while and are now undertaking the responsibility of a Command position. This would mean Captain, Executive Officer, or Department Head. This class is designed to give the experienced players a chance to learn the administrative side of Role Playing Games. Here the Command Canidate will learn the skills needed to run and manage a ship effectively.
The AQSG Training Center supports it's players, both new and experienced. The Professors are dedicated to providing the players with skills and resources to make the game fun and exciting. Please take a few moments to look around the Training Center and if you have any questions and or comments please feel free to contact the Director.