� - My Shrine
� - My World
� - Reaching Out from The Abyss
- Leave a ripple...
- Watch the ripples...
� - Disclaimer
� - Introduction
� - Meet the Cast
� - Chapter One: Turin
� - Chapter Two: Sarah
� - Games
� - Links
� - Email


January 12th, 2006
I can't seem to stop updating this place. Austria was a blast, and here I am, a year and some odd number of months older. I just spent a few minutes looking over the entries I've made over the years, especially the one about the time I went back to my old school and visited the playground. I guess that's why I come here- it means I'm feeling nostalgic. Things are going pretty fast these days, and if all goes according to plan, I'll have graduated in May. I'm not quite sure what comes after that, but hopefully I'll get back onto a plane and head out to Europe or wherever the wind takes me, as long as it isn't here. It's not that I hate it here, per se... well, yeah, ok, I do. I've just had a taste of a bigger world, and being in Maine makes everything seem small again, if you know what I mean ("you" being me, since no one is reading this anymore. Anyone who had the link lost it a long time ago, I'm sure.) Well, we'll see if I update again before January 2007, but I wouldn't count on it.

August 4th, 2004
Well, it's been another year. A lot of things have happened since the last time I wrote, just like a lot happened before that. Will I tell you about some of it? Well...ok...since you asked nicely.

As of September 26th I'll be leaving for Salzburg, Austria! I'll be there until the beginning of July. A good question is whether ANYONE will visit this site between now and then. I'm betting, "NO!". Regardless, that's how the world stands right now. College = Fun, and I'm going to miss watching the freshmen strive to adjust (trying to look at a map of the campus without anyone seeing is hilarious. hell, it was hilarious when I did it, but it's more hilarious now that I can navigate the campus drunk.)

Well, I'll probably update this site again in another year, by which time I'll have been to Austria and come back. Until then, happy trails, and don't forget to dip the's in the bag.

p.s. Greg has a steady girlfriend now. Will wonders never cease? He also watches anime racing, whatever the hell that is, so I dunno whether he's really come forward in life or not. Only time will tell.

July 25th, 2003
More than a year has passed. Where does the time go? I have a ton of stories but I doubt anyone would notice if I put them up. I just update to keep the site from going down out of some deep-rooted loyalty the several years gone self that put it up in the first place. When was that, way back in like April 1997? Crazy. Expect another tiny paragraph in a year or so. Until then, happy trails.

June 29th, 2002
Today I got off early from work, and since it was such a nice day, I decided to keep on driving past my house. I pulled up at the local restaurant near my school, then pulled out and headed back towards my house. Really I just wanted to think, I hadn't had the chance to sit back and drive...and just think in a long time. Classic rock blared out of my speakers, and just generally things felt good for once- I didn't have anywhere to be. So, when I neared my house again, I once more just kept driving, back towards where I work. I went about halfway, then turned around again, I didn't want to go to far towards my place of Anyway, along the way back is a left turn which would take me to the town where I used to live and go to school, and I found myself taking the turn. It had been awhile since I'd driven down this road (I had to drive it once to go and get a replacement side-view mirror after my little accident), and as I got into my old town, I couldn't keep from pulling into my old elementary school.

At first I just sat there and looked at my old playground, and finding that my memory was erasing the add-on playground equipment for me. Soon it was like I was back in 1992...except taller. I turned off the car and got out, taking a small walk to the slide, running my hand along it, thinking of huge lines and people yelling to hurry it up. Further along was the old swing-set, and it was almost eerie as the swings swung in the breeze and I could almost hear children laughing and playing. I sat down and felt huge, but the swing still fit pretty well and I rocked back and forth for awhile, but I couldn't bring myself to swing like I used to. Then I came to a large dome-like structure, large to me in 1992, a little shorter than me now, and I remember climbing up and feeling like I was on top of the world. The teeter-totters had been worked on, but the metal was the same. Now they had plastic seats where the old ones I remember as metal. The monkey-bars were still there, and I remember my friends swinging around on those things every recess. But I guess what made me feel nostalgic the most was something we never played with or on, or even really noticed- there was this old net that had been dumped into the side of the woods a year or two before I even went to school there, and it was there for the few years that I went. But even after a whole ten years, no one has moved that thing. It's still sitting there almost exactly as it was!\

Ghosts of children running by with captured kites fallen from the sky, and dust storms on the basketball "court", filled my vision. My old friend playing MC Hammer and Billy Ray Cyrus (or whatever) out of his brand new cd boombox (we didn't even know what cd's were). Snow angels and tall grass in which you could crawl and never be seen. Playground weddings and divorces. Cooties and playground romance, all whirling away like a leaf on the breeze. I just shook my head and I walked away with only a parting glance at the rusted slide. As I got back in the car, the add-on equipment came more into focus, and I noticed that a whole extra building had been added on to the school. I turned on the radio and drove away, and the first line out of the speakers was something along the lines of "the years have been moving and it's safe to say I've changed".

Ten years is a very long time for only yesterday.

May 3rd, 2002

*LAUGHS OUT LOUD* Well, I can honestly say I didn't think it'd almost be a year before I updated this site again. That's life I suppose. Anyway, some new news! X (or is it Y?...the submissive one) has reportedly been attending an all girls college. Hmm...who'd of thought?


Okay, in November and shortly after going all over the state with Andrew to check out various colleges, I found myself REALLY wanting to go on a road trip. In the end I found that Andrew, Greg, and Scott wanted to go. The plan was to take Andrew's van down with him, Scott and I- then meet Greg in Boston.

Off we went, leaving Scott's at around 1pm. I hadn't been out of the state since 1996, and was truly looking forward to the adventure. While Andrew drove the entire way, Scott and I played cards or engaged in discussion. We stopped at a rest area near the border so Scott could get a lighter and then continued into New Hampshire. Scott also had an unsuccessful mission to try and moon a hot chick. After a quest to find a mall so we could enjoy tax-free shopping (which was a failure) we raced to try to get to Boston on time (6pm). The race followed a stop at a dunkin' donuts where Scott proceeded to take a leak right in front of the van on the pavement...ew?

The annoying thing (the first annoying thing) was that we would have made it had the GOD-*$&# FUC*$(G EXPRESSWAY NOT BEEN INSANE!!!. Needless to say you can tell that I hate that expressway. We were all annoyed (except Andrew, who loved the driving) and we all had to seriously urinate as well. To make matters worse, we pass our exit (we weren't sure if it was right) and had to take another exit down the expressway and then backtrack. We also had to stop at a shell gas-station where a nice guy gave us directions how to get to the damn chamberlain bridge (or something like that, maybe cumberland, I dunno.)

We arrived at the Radisson in Cambridge at 8pm and were relieved to find that Greg hadn't checked in. Now we could yell at him for being late! After waiting about an hour, we decided to grab something to eat at the in-hotel Japanese restaurant. Let me encourage you- if you are EVER in CAMBRIDGE, go to the RADISSON HOTEL on MEMORIAL DRIVE and get some JAPANESE FOOD AT THE RESTAURANT!!! It was REAL GOOD to say the least. The food was a little pricy, but was well worth it in taste AND portions. They cook it right in front of you, and let me tell you- delicious!

Okay, so it's getting to be 10:00pm, the time the restaurant closes, and we decided to go out to the van to wait. We paid our bill and went outside. BTW, Scott had fried rice and a coke, Andrew and I got the chicken habatchi dinners (or something like that). There we sat back and waited in the cold until ELEVEN FUC&$^# THIRTY! We said "screw it!" and went inside, getting ourselves a room and promising to beat the crap out of Greg when he arrived.

Approximately a half an hour later, the rooms phone rings. Guess who? GREG! He's in the lobby and has the balls to ask "Why didn't you guys wait for me?" Ass. Anyway, he comes up and we finally got to relax. I won't bore you with details, but suffice to say we decided it was better not to go out on the town. Oh, and Scott puked once in the bathroom and once out a 15th floor window. The fried rice looked about the same.

We drove home the next morning after a fruitless quest to find a burger king (I love breakfast there), as well as a pizza which we got instead. Greg drove off to Connecticut to see some girl. We got home, and that was that.


I'll tell you about the trip to Daytona Beach for Spring Break, 2002 tomorrow! (or someday soon, probably not 11 monthes ;P )

June 13th, 2001
Well, I've added a guestbook as well (the thing on the side with ripples involved... Anyway, I'm still planning more fun things for the site.

I just added The Ballad of Rory B. It's a tale to a tune about the whackiest whacker that ever whacked.

June 12th, 2001
Well, I've added two pages to the My World part of my page. The two pages are- A Joke about Sandals, and a Page of Jokes. The page of Jokes will be updated occassionally as I get more jokes in (and be forewarned, some of the jokes are ABSOLUTELY TASTELESS! Enjoy them anyway though :) I will be writing up the following chapters of the In the Bag saga, since I am getting out of school next week. Also, I figure to update the joke page tomorrow.

UPDATE! I just added the Message Board! It can be found on the side under Reaching Out from The Abyss!

June 11th, 2001
MAJOR EVENT- IN THE BAG UPDATE!!!! (TO AN UPDATE!!!) From another reliable source, we here at George's Demented Little World and especially In the Bag have determined that Turin was the one who broke up with Josh. Now, as a historical perspective, please read the following passage from Chapter Two: Sarah.

"A note, apparently Josh was interested in "plowing more than one field", as he began to show interest in another girl. According to him, if he had failed with Turin he could just move in on this girl. Yeah, kind of a bastard thing to say. The girls name, since she was innocent of the proceedings, shall be left out. From here on, she will be termed as X."

Well, apparently Josh got drunk at a party and started hitting on X. Turin was either there or found out later (same end result for dinky wang), and she decided to deny Little Boy Fondler's access to the "two mountains" that he mentioned in Chapter One. Will Josh now end up like Greg and be exercising himself to no end on cheap porn? Or will he end up with X? Or will X end up with Y? Or Maybe Greg and Josh could end up together (Greg only said he was against the threesome.) Well, that's all for another IN THE BAG UPDATE!

June 7th, 2001
MAJOR EVENT- IN THE BAG UPDATE!!! This news comes from a VERY reliable source...his name? Little Boy Fondler...I mean Josh Bardeleben himself! JOSH AND TURIN HAVE BROKEN UP!!! When asked if they were still friends, Josh replied that they were still "working things out". Maybe she finally got sick of the dinky wang? Well, we all can assume that Greg will be "exercising" himself to no end over this news.

In the world of Greg, (keep in mind, this is starting a long time ago but since I so rarely update this thing I haven't put it in), Greg was stalking a girl named Patty. Patty is a slut (just wanted to make that clear), why is she a slut? Well, she's dating one guy while having sex with her old boyfriend. Well, apparently she's been stringing Greg along, and then one day she suddenly decided they might be able to go out but she wanted to think about it over a week vacation they had. When they got back, she said she didn't want to go out with Greg. He got mad and swore he didn't care, etc (sort of like Turin, The Boat, and Ariel). But now he went to the prom with her...hmmm. Yes folks, you guessed it, Greg is thinking with his penis again. Well, that's about all for this update, for now it's all in the bag.

FALL 1999 - SPRING 2001

February 22nd, 2001
Happy Thanksgiving! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Happy Valentines Day! Well, I think that about covers all the holidays. I've redone the logo and am rewriting the first chapter of "In the Bag"! Stay tuned for updates!
October 18th, 2000
I just added Meet the Cast to the online story of "In the Bag: The True Story of Greg Maurice". So now you can put a face to the names of the people in the story, though it may cause dry heaves (DO NOT SUE ME!)
October 15th, 2000
Well, I took down In The Bag: The True Story of Greg Maurice, but then I decided to put it back up. Certain pieces have been cut out, and other small details have been added. The cut out pieces may reappear soon, slightly modified.� I hope none of this is annoying to my reading public.

Meanwhile, I'm still coming up with new and interesting ways to improve the page. Since naked chicks aren't allowed, I'll have to resort to less drastic measures (Yeah, I know, this page would have been 1000 times more interesting too.)

NEW - A link a has been added to (you guesssed iiit) the link page! hosts an online comic called Sluggy Freelance, which is just too stange (and demented) to describe. But, best of all, it's pretty funny, so check it out.

October 14th, 2000
I have completed the Disclaimer, Introduction, and Chapter One: Turin, for the online story of In the Bag: The True Story of Greg Maurice. There may be things added to chapters after I have posted them, and if I include anything I forgot, I will post the update in the Latest News.

I have started the second installment of the story, "The Boat", and it should be available within a day or two, so stay tuned those who have already read the first one (yeah, the two of you!)

I finished Chapter Two: Sarah ahead of schedule. I may add to it later (as I may add to all the other installments.) I hope you enjoy! (Who knows, maybe there's three of you now!)

October 13th, 2000
I have begun the online story, "In the Bag: The True Story of Greg Maurice". Here's the first paragraph-

This story is a true one. The names of the people involved were changed to protect the innocent. For example, Greg Maurice is now known as Moe Porn, Turin Dragonetti is now known as Perky Peaks, Josh Bardeleben is now known as Little Boy, hell with it, the names are gonna be the same.

The story will cover the true life events of Greg Maurice (and the posse) in his search of something a little bit better than cheap porn. So, please, stay tuned for the installments of this story, cus after all, it's in the bag.