Fan Glossary
"We're Not Obsessed -- We're Focused"
--Order of the Blessed Saint Scully the Enigmatic (OBSSE)
Moving Day 2001
I've finally gone and done it -- I've bought myself a website for my fan
fiction. Find me now at, a
stylin' new slashfen-owned-and-operated neighborhood.
What's going: all my
my recommendation page,
and eventually my fannish images.
What's staying: the Fan Glossary
(which may, in fact, see an update soon) and:
There's a list of fanfic archives
at the bottom of this page.
A short list of reference materials for
writing fanfic, mostly police procedures at this point.
And just for a little treat, some backgrounds
(Windows bitmaps) and a zip file of 13
Callisto-screensaver pictures.
Slashy eye candy: Technicolor Dream
is a modified image from "Dead End on Blank Street" and "Real Deal"
screencaps. The modifications are (c) cmshaw
but the original images are (c) Pet Fly and The Sentinel.
More slashy eye candy: Download an
Oz screensaver for Windows, of my own design. The screensaver is (c)
cmshaw but the images used are (c) Levinson/Fontana and Oz.
Fanfic Definitions
- fanfic, n. Also fan fiction, fic. Amateur
fiction set in a 'universe' created by another, usually professional,
work of fiction. Science fictional television shows are popular sources
for fanfic universes.
- filk, n. Science fictional songs, including melodic fanfic.
- filk, v. To sing a filk song. To write a filk song. To write a
parody song with a scientific theme.
- disclaimer, n. An obligatory copyright notice attached to each
fanfic story, stating who the actual owners of the scenarios and characters
used are, that the story was not authorized by said owners, and that the
fanfic author intends no copyright violation or material gain.
- canon, adj. Refers to facts established by the original fiction.
Usually referenced as one might reference a holy text.
- TPTB, n. Acronym for The Powers That Be. The
writers/directors of the original show. Often regarded much in the way
that X-Files agents regard Deep Throat and Mr. X, or, if a more
classical analogy is preferred, in the way Doctor Faust must have
regarded Mephistopheles.*
- feedback, n. The customary thank-you note sent to authors whose
fanfic one reads; often includes editorial critique. Acts on most
authors as a highly addictive recreational drug.
- challenge, n. A set of writing constraints proposed for an
informal contest or game among a group of authors, usually resulting in an
immediate flood of short humorous pieces.
- beta, v. To edit a fanfic story.
- beta reader, n. A fanfic editor.
- zine, n. Also 'zine. A collection of fanfic printed
in magazine form, usually sold for cost-of-printing. This form of
fanfic publication pre-dates the Web but is still in use.
- archive, n. A collection of fanfic made available on the Web.
Usually this collection is of stories posted to UseNet or a private
mailing list, presented with the fanfic authors' permissions.
- archive, v.t. To add [a fanfic] to an archive.
- slash, n. Fanfic featuring two (or more)
people of the same gender romantically and/or sexually involved. Not to
be confused with 'slasher', a type of horror film. Compare 'gayfic'.
slash or slashy adj.
- slash, v.t. To pair [a character] in a story with another of the
same gender.
- gayfic, n. Fanfic featuring characters recognizably a part
of modern gay (sub)culture. Compare 'slash'.
- het, adj. Refers to fanfic featuring or fictional situations
depicting two people of different genders romantically and/or sexually
involved. May also refer to fanfic with protagonists recognizably
straight (in the modern sense), although the presence or absence of
straight characters is not usually considered worthy of remark.
- gen, adj. Refers to fanfic which is not
slash, ie, which depicts either no sex or het sex only.
- UST, n. Acronym for Unresolved Sexual Tension. Canonical or
fanfictional sexual chemistry between two characters who are not at the
time in a sexual relationship.
- Mary Sue, n. A character who is a transparent double for the
author of the story. A story featuring such a character. Although
writing a Mary Sue accidentally is considered terribly gauche, many
experienced authors enjoy playing with the concept in order to depict
themselves in mock argument with their characters or to write their
friends cameo appearances as gifts.*
- header info, n. Information usually included at the top of a
fanfic story to inform readers of the content. Standard header info is
show (including crossovers) and rating, plus any necessary specifics about
sex (including gender of any pairings and pairing of major characters),
language, spoilers, violence, death, and rape.
- part A/B, header. Also [A/B], (A/B). A and B are
numbers. Indicates that the following is piece number A out of B pieces
of one long fanfic; eg, Story [1/3], Story [2/3], and Story [3/3] together
form the fanfic titled Story. A piece which must unexpectedly be broken
into even smaller fragments is marked Aa/B, Ab/B, Ac/B, etc., as needed;
eg, 4a/5, 4b/5. Fanfics which form a series but which each stand alone
are numbered with roman numerals to avoid confusion with this custom;
eg, Story, Story II The Sequel, Story III It's Back.
- f/f, m/f, m/m, header. Also slash,
het, slash, respectively. Fanfic with, respectively,
female/female, male/female, male/male sex, explicit or implied.
- s/m, header. Also S/M, bdsm. Sexual sadomasochism.
Consensual unless otherwise indicated.
- b&d, header. Also b/d, bondage. Sexual
bondage. Consensual unless otherwise indicated.
- d/s, header. Also D/s. Sexual
dominance and submission. Consensual unless otherwise indicated.
- PWP, header. Acronym for 'Plot, What Plot?' A sex story.
- language, header. Euphemism for swearing and dirty jokes.
- ep, n. Short for 'episode'. A given episode of the
television show in question.
- spoiler, header. Fanfic which uses events in recently aired
eps of the originating show (specific eps are usually named).
- angst, n. Emotional pain. Often prized by fanfic authors for the
intensity which it adds to a story, or simply for the masochistic thrill
of it.
- angst, header. Fanfic in which a character's emotional pain
is a central plot element.
- h/c, header. Acronym for Hurt/Comfort. Fanfic in which
reaction to a character's pain is a central plot element.
- ose, adj. The filk equivalent of angst, describing a song in which
'everyone dies except the dog, and then the dog dies too'.
- death story, header. Fanfic in which a major character dies,
usually in a manner which traumatizes all other characters and the
- n/c, header. Non-consensual sex. See 'rape story'. May or
may not indicate that the rape is graphically described.
- sexual violence, header. See 'rape story'. May or may not
carry specific connotations of domestic violence, attempted rape, or date
rape. Usually not used to indicate consensual sexual sadomasochism.
- rape story, header. Fanfic in which a character is raped.
Usually implies an h/c plot.
- crossover, header. Also x-over. Fanfic using
characters/scenarios from two or more different shows.
- AU, header. Also A/U, alternate universe.
Fanfic in which the story universe is radically altered from the canon show
universe. Variant: 'uber' (Xena fandom only).
- rating, header. Self-rating of a fanfic story using
the (American?) movie guidelines:
- G. Good clean fun.
- PG. May imply sex or violence.
- PG-13. Implies sex or violence.
- R. Sex or violence. Or 'four-letter words'.
- NC-17. Not recommended (and in some places illegal) for readers
under age eighteen. Pornographic sex or gory violence.
- X. An older rating, now replaced by NC-17 (much to the relief of
X-Files writers).
- shows:
- TOS. Star Trek: The Original Series. Owned by Paramount. Not
currently on the air.
- TNG. Star Trek: The Next Generation. Owned by Paramount. Not
currently on the air.
- VOY. Star Trek: Voyager. Owned by Paramount. Airs on UPN.
- DS9. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Owned by Paramount. Airs in
- XF. X-Files. Owned by Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. Airs on
- HL or HL:TS. Highlander: The Series. Owned by Panzer/Davis and Rysher
Entertainment. Repeats air in syndication.
- HL:TR. Highlander: The Raven. Owned by Panzer/Davis and Rysher
Entertainment. Airs in syndication.
- TS. The Sentinel. Owned by Pet Fly Inc. and Paramount. Repeats
air on SciFi.
- B7. Blake's 7. Owned by the British Broadcasting Corporation. Not
currently on the air.
- OZ. Oz. Owned by Rysher Entertainment, Levinson/Fontana Pictures,
and Viacom. Airs on HBO.
- HP. Harry Potter. Written by J.K. Rowling.
- pairings acronyms:
- f. Any show, non-major-character female.
- m. Any show, non-major-character male.
- o, O, or ?. Any show, unspecified character.
- /. Punctuation indicating sexual involvement between the characters
(eg, K/S indicating a relationship between James Kirk and Spock).
- &. Punctuation indicating friendship between the characters.
- A. HL:TS/TR, Amanda.
- A. B7, Kerr Avon.
- B. TS, Blair Sandburg.
- B. B7, Roj Blake.
- B. OZ, Tobias Beecher.
- C. TNG, Beverly Crusher.
- C. VOY, Chakotay.
- C. B7, Cally.
- D. B7, Dayna Mellanby.
- DM or D. HL, Duncan MacLeod.
- G. B7, Olag Gan.
- J. VOY, Kathryn Janeway.
- J. HL, Joe Dawson.
- J. TS, James Ellison.
- J. B7, Jenna Stannis.
- K. TOS, James Kirk.
- K. VOY, Harry Kim.
- K. XF, Alex Krycek.
- K. OZ, Chris Keller.
- M. XF, Fox Mulder.
- M. HL, Methos.
- Mc or M. TOS, Leonard McCoy.
- P. TNG, Jean-Luc Picard.
- P. VOY, Tom Paris.
- Q. TNG, Q.
- S. TOS, Spock.
- S. B7, Soolin.
- S or Sc. XF, Dana Scully.
- Sk. XF, Walter Skinner.
- T. VOY, B'Elanna Torres.
- T or Ta. B7, Del Tarrant.
- V. B7, Vila Restal.
- 7. VOY, Seven of Nine.
- Star Trek specific:
- Trekkie, n. Also trekker. A Star Trek fan.
- IDIC, abbr. Acronym for Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination.
Translates loosely as 'whatever floats your boat'.
- slash, n. Historical note: Trek fanfic claims the distinction of
having created the term 'slash' from the symbol '/', originally used to
indicate Kirk/Spock pornography although now in common use to designate
sexual pairing in all fanfics.
- ASC. UseNet newsgroup Alt.Startrek.Creative. (FAQ)
- ASCEM. UseNet newsgroup Alt.Startrek.Creative.Erotica.Moderated.
- X-Files specific:
- X-Phile, n. Also 'phile. An X-Files fan.
- MSR, header. Mulder/Scully Romance (M/S).
- 'Shipper, n. Also relationshipper. A fan of MSR fanfic and a
proponent of canon M/S. shipper or shippy, adj.
- NoRomo, n. Also anti-shipper. A disbeliever in canon M/S.
- DD, GA, MP, NL, CC. Respectively, actors David Duchovny (Fox
Mulder), Gillian Anderson (Dana Scully), Mitch Pileggi (Walter Skinner),
and Nick Lea (Alex Krycek), and director Chris Carter.
- ATXC. UseNet newsgroup Alt.Tv.X-files.Creative. (FAQ)
- The Gossamer archive also has its own set of header abbreviations. See
- Highlander specific:
- ROG, abbr. Acronym for Really Old Guy. Methos.
- The Sentinel specific:
- Senner, n. A Sentinel fan.
- Smarm, n. Nonsexual love and comfort between two characters. Has
no negative connotations. May be used in other shows' fandoms.
- Owwies, n pl. Also owies. Hurt, as in 'hurt/comfort'. Not to be
confused with 'OWW', the show acronym for One West Waikiki. See h/c.
- hh/jj, adj. Acronym for happy-happy-joy-joy. Refers to a cheerful
story. May have originated with the cult following of the Ren &
Stimpy Show cartoon.
- Illoe, n. Short for illustration. Usage seems to be confined to TS
- SOS, n. Acronym for Support Our Sentinel. A group of fen dedicated
to preventing the cancellation of the show.
- RB, GM, BAY, AG, DV. Respectively, actors Richard Burgi (James
Ellison), Garett Maggart (Blair Sandburg), Bruce A. Young (Simon
Banks), and Anna Galvin (Megan Conner), and UPN President Dean
- ATS. UseNet newsgroup (FAQ)
- Blake's 7 specific:
- PGP, adj. Acronym for Post Gauda Prime. Stories set after the
series finale, which took place on Gauda Prime.
- Harry Potter specific:
- JKR. Joanne Kathleen Rowling, the author.
- SS, PS, CoS, PoA, GoF, n. Respectively, the books Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer's Stone (American version), Harry Potter and the
Philosopher's Stone (British version), Harry Potter and the
Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,
and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
- bishounen, adj. Pretty, usually in reference to young men. From the
Japanese, via anime.
- lemon, n. and adj. See slash. From anime.
Slash Archives
The definitive listing:
Slash Fan
Fiction on the Net
Highlander erotica:
R'rain's Slash Archive
Romantics Association,
Slash Society,
Dana Scully's Slash
and Archive/X
(the new stories)
Sentinel Slash:
852 Prospect
Oz Smut:
Em City
Fanfic Archives
The definitive listing:
Fan Fiction on the
HLFIC-L Archive
and Award-Winning
Archiving ASC and ASC.Erotica.Moderated:
Alt.Startrek.Creative Community Website
The Sentinel (gen only):
Official Show Sites
Highlander: The Series
Highlander: The Raven
The Sentinel doesn't have an official site, but the official unofficial site
is Support
Our Sentinel
(includes episode reviews).
Paramount offers a rather lame
Star Trek page, but for Voyager
and Deep Space Nine, episode reviews are available unofficially at Star Trek:
HBO shows everyone up with a kickin'
Oz page that has to be seen to be
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