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Welcome to the Star Wars Compendium, or swc for short. This site's main feature is a huge Star Wars informational database, with over #### entries! Also, with reviews, prequels, gaming, webmastering, fan art galleries, and more, this is your one-stop site for anything about Star Wars! Bookmark us now, and don't forget: We are growing fast, so check back often for new updates!
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The archive is huge, with information on about anything you can want! Check it out!
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Each article in the archive includes multimedia on the topic, for your convinience!
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Other things on swc include reviews, links, utilities for the star wars webmaster, and more!
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New Sections!(03.27.99)
I have been working hard on SWC, day and night. I have finally completed the layouts for the Archive, Gaming, and Prequels sections, with the rest on the way. I have opted to go with a stylish and user-friendly layout that is simple, but looks nice. I am making all of the subsections like that. Check them out! And remember, even though the layouts are up, we still need staff for them! Email us if you can help!
SWC is Understaffed!!! (07.08.99)
As SWC grows, we are adding more and more sections to cover more aspects of Star Wars. But there are only so many of us here! We need YOU to help with SWC in any way you can! Do you know HTML? Photoshop? CGI? Are you a good writer? Any talent that you think can help, please let us know!! Check out our Site Needs for specific details on how you can help SWC! And a reminder: Anyone who helps gets a spot on the staff page with a link to their site, a short bio, and acknowledgement of what they did for SWC! Come aboard the SWC bandwagon...you won't regret it!
Homepage Update!! (07.07.99)
I updated the menu today, and fixed links to the subsections. The parts of the different section change as I create more sections. On that note, the Archive Main page is completed for Netscape, but the Explorer version still has a few bugs to work out. And the Reviews layout is in preproduction! SWC is making some real progress. We at the Compendium are very excited as we get closer to release.
Homepage Update! (05.01.99)
I put the finishing touches on the homepage today, just fixing links, playing with colors, stuff like that. Just thought I'd let you know that the homepage is almost completely done!
Searching For A Search Engine (04.03.99)
I need to find a Search Engine scripter ASAP! I need an experienced, able cgi scripter who really knows what theyre doing. Check out Site Needs for more information!
SWC Is Finally Online! (03.30.99)
After a very long wait, the Star Wars Compendium is up and running! However, all of the features aren't functional yet, because they need operators. Check out our Site Needs to see if you can help!
Archive Update! (03.27.99)
I have 20 articles written: A-1 Floater to the Adamant. I still an figuring out subpage layouts, so theyre not gonna go on till i do. Just wanted to let you know that theyre done, and the archive is actually getting somewhere.
Home Page is Done! (03.26.99)
Well I finally finished the homepage here at SWC, and I think that it will turn out well. The subpage layout(s) are still under construction, though.
Homepage design by Jordan Jennings and Matt Miller.

- StarWars.com
- JediNet
- TheForce.net
- Hydrospanner
- News Droid
- StarWarz.com
- Echostation
- The SW Database
- Anchorhead.net
- The Holocron
- The Kessel Run
- Outer-Rim.net
- E-Mail: Directly
- E-Mail: Form
- ICQ Pager-Inoperative
- ICQ# 35078491

- The Archive Main
- The Articles
- The Images
- The Audio
- The Videos
- Search The Archive
- Submit Your Articles
- Prequels Main
- Episode II
- Episode III
- Reviews Main
- New Reviews
- Old Reviews
- The Elites
- Webmastering Main
- Images
- Audio
- Layouts
- Miscellaneous
- Gaming Main
- Game Reviews
- Gaming Tips/Cheats
- Indivivdual Help
- Fan Art Main
- Portfolios
- Submit Your Fan Art
- Trivia Main
- Current Trivia Contest
- Past Trivia Contests
- Past Winners
- SWC Staff
- SWC Logos
- Site Needs
- The SWC Hyperdrive