Miscellaneous Photo Gallery
Here are various Black Hole related images, ranging from movie posters to records and films. This page will take some time to load, depending on the speed of your connection.Please note that none of these items are for sale. (Especially since I do not own most of these items!) Enjoy!
Super 8 Film Digest Box:
Toy Film Cartridge & Viewer:

Posters and Lobby Cards
Domestic (USA) Posters:

In Production Poster (Folded and Open):

Three Italian Posters ("Il Buco Nero"):

French (left) and UK [quad] Posters:

German Poster:

Japanese Poster:
Japanese Program:
Domestic (USA) Lobby Cards:

Mexican Lobby Card:

Story of The Black Hole Record Album:

Children's Read Along Book and Record:

Story of The Black Hole Record Album (German Version):

Eight Track of Meco's "Music From Star Trek and The Black Hole":

VHS Videotape Packages:

Betamax Videotape Package:

CED Cover Art:

DVD Packaging:

Books, Magazines, and Comics
A Spaceship Adventure for Robots & Black Hole Pop-Up Book:

Disney Kids Book:

Children's Press-Out Book:

French Language Magazine:
U.K. Magazine: 
South African Paperback Art:
Italian Hardback Storybook:

Comic Book Pack & Comics (First three):

Mexican Comic Book:

Photo of the poster book and a schematic of the Palomino from therin:

Metal Lunchbox:

Canadian Plastic Lunchbox:

Board Games
Voyage of Fear (Canadian Version), Space Alert, and Voyage of Fear detail (domestic version):

Glossies / Stills
8x10 BW Glossies:

Glossie/Still Detail:

Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Stuff
Various Pieces Of Black Hole Merchandising (Coloring Books, etc.):

Colorforms Adventure Set:

Estes "Space Probe" Model Rocket:

Slide Projector Set (UK):

Various Folders:


Arrangements of Overture and Main Title Music for Marching Bands:

West Coast Premiere Ticket and Book:

V.I.N.C.E.N.T. Halloween Costume:

500 Piece Puzzle:


Bradley Prototype Clock Drawing:

B. Dalton Bookmark:

Cartoon Animation Cell (Click To Enlarge)

Maximillian Soap Figure:
Inflatable Maximillian Store Display:
1980 Calendar:

1981 UK Annual:

Jack Kirby Sunday Comic:

Two Trading Cards With Deleted Footage:

Dave Mattingly's Artwork:

All images Copyright © The Walt Disney Corporation.
This page is exclusively maintained by Denis Warburton.