Thank You for dropping in. This is our new and totally updated website, as of 2009! Yes, that's right. It's the 21st Century, and we are a Flat Earth Website. In fact, we are the ONLY FLAT EARTH website on the entire Internet that is serious about its content. You have probably noticed that there is some humor on the site, and you may wonder why. Well, it was put here because we really don't see the point of not sharing a few laughs, even at ourselves. Over the years we have received so many letters, usually derogatory ones that question our collective sanity. We want you to understand that we would not have created this website if we hadn't been serious from the very beginning. In the future, hopefully this year, our President Terra Coeli will be updating our site. We realize we have left the content essentially unchanged since it was first built; in part, because we felt we couldn't improve on it. However, after reading some of the comments in our emails, Terra decided 2009 is probably the best time for a change. Given the (hopefully) new political climate in the United States, we are anticipating the dawning of a new age of enlightenment. So keep on coming back...If you want to join our Society, please email us. We have been up and running, so to speak, since the mid-1990's, and we have NO intention of going anywhere. We remain scattered across the four corners of the Earth. You are very welcome to join us. The Chattaroy Flat Earth Society is a legitimate organization. As you scroll through our site you will notice we no longer have a Guest Book for you to sign. We want to assure you we did this to prevent hostile third parties from accessing the personal information contained in many Guestbook Entries. If you have any questions please feel free to email us. Our address is listed below. The TRUTH about the shape of the earth continues to grow. Nobody can stop us!!! None of our members are currently institutionalized, at least as far as we know.
Before you proceed, click here to view our Official Picture, painted at our last meeting!
This evidence was sent to us by our Founder and President's Parents, honorary and highly esteemed members of the Society. It was found in the Los Angeles Times.
Thursday, April 27, 2000: "A Flat Universe? ...conclusive evidence that the universe is ...flat. 'It's like looking at the surface of a new world' said Craig Hogan, a cosmologist who heads the astronomy department at the University of Washington and who had been among those eagerly awaiting the images." This new scientific proof only adds further credibility to our beliefs. We are very gratified that scientists are finally admitting their mistake. You are probably wondering what this picture means. Well, it's proof that NASA never sent a Landrover to Mars. Pat Robertson was vacationing in New Mexico two years ago. He drove out into the desert to collect rocks (his favorite hobby), when he came upon this piece of equipment. He stopped to have his picture taken next to it. Government agents weren't far behind. They seized the photos and destroyed them. All but this one, which was smuggled to us in secret. The next time you hear about "space exploration" or "missions to Mars", remember: you know the truth. Don't be fooled by NASA!! Take a look at the sofa pictured on this page, and imagine how it would look if it was covered with a brown, nubby texture. Got it? Now, remember that so-called Martian rock, Yogi? Yeah, you got it. Yogi is nothing more than a retouched photo of some old furniture some yay-hoo dumped in the desert. NASA was just too lazy to delete it from their photo. If you are a member of another Flat Earth group who wishes to link with us, please email us your chapter of society's list of beliefs. Our committee will review them, and decide whether or not to provide a link to your site here.
This Society has received a number of inquiries since its inception. It has been an honor for me to have been asked to occasionally respond to specific issues submitted by visitors to this website.
Recently, among the other requests and/or questions, I have been in correspondence with an individual who stated that he wished further information regarding the structure and substance of the Society's beliefs. At the outset he appeared to be sincere in his desire to ascertain on what basis we built and maintained the contention that the earth was flat, and he asked to debate that subject. I was more than willing to deal with specific issues and sent him several items to which I requested his considered opinion in response.
I fear now, speaking on behalf of the Society, that we have been duped. This individual has apparently taken it upon himself to determine that our stated position in regards to the flat earth is meaningless unless we (or I, as I am the one communicating with him) take an oath and swear on our honor as to the shape of the earth. This he claims is necessary in order for him to respond to the issues I have raised. I have scrupulously avoided descending into the malestrom of his increasingly mocking and insinuating commentary, and I have made every attempt to inform this individual that the Society welcomes honest inquiry but does not intend to denigrate itself by conforming to his prerequisites. He came to us allegedly seeking knowledge and has instead chosen to treat the entire matter as if he were playing with a wind-up toy.
My reason for writing this little missive is as follows:
To those members of the Society who may feel inadequate and/or out-of-place when it comes to defending our position regarding the shape of this planet, I say DO NOT BE TIMID. The value of knowledge given is directly related to the openness of the mind receiving. There is very little use in attempting to stop someone from running repeatedly against a brick wall with their head - it is, after all, THEIR head and THEIR choice. Confucius once said that a wise teacher is one who wastes neither his teaching nor his pupil...if a teacher sees someone who is willing to learn yet does not teach them, the pupil is wasted. If, on the other hand, a teacher sees someone who is unwilling to learn yet attempts to teach them nonetheless, the teaching is wasted.
To those who visit this website, I also have a message:
We respond to legitimate inquiries. We are willing and ready to debate whatever issues you feel are relevant to the shape and substance of this planet. If, on the other hand, you have come here feeling that we are merely crackpots and if you intend to deal with us in that manner, please do not be surprised when we do not respond to you as if we were encased in straitjackets.
If you do not wish to take our beliefs and our Society seriously, please allow me this colloquialism:
Wax your (key)board and surf elsewhere on the web.
The Professor
If you would like to download a free, suitable for framing document, here it is. This is all you need to be a member.
E-Mail the Chattaroy Flat Earth Society
3. Carl Sagan's DNA was shipped to Mars (really shipped to Mars, not New Mexico). If you need to see compelling pictorial evidence to support this, click on the link below for Carl Sagan's DNA!
Free!!! Chattaroy Flat Earth Society membership award
Welcome to the year 2008. Our Professor is still available to respond to your questions and we will be happy to print your submissions. However, we reserve the right to edit or refuse those that are not serious or mean-spirited in nature. We hope to continue adding to our growing list of members during this new year. Truth is timeless...
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