The Lair
Sarena has been in hiding for many
thousands of years. In fact
she has actually been in hiding since she was only 100 years old.Sarena now
aproaches her creation date of over 7 billion
years. You may
think that 7 billion
years is a long time but Dragons spend a great majority of their
time in Dragonsleep. It is only
during these periods of sleep that a Dragon sheds its scales and
grows. During
these periods is also when the Dragon's ablities
strengthen themselves. Sleep
periods vary from Dragon to Dragon depending on their type and
age level. The older
the Dragon the longer it sleeps but also the longer between
periods of sleep it goes.
I took a picture of Sarena once as
she slept...she awoke
to my surprise.
After shaking off the sleep and shock from the flash she smiled at me and laughed, remembering all the other pictures I had taken of her. Here are a few more of those photos..
This is a picture of Sarena when she was still rather young. Looks like she had a little itch.
I took this picture before her last sleep period. Believe it or not she was getting ready to stretch even if it looks more like she was getting ready to toast me.
Of course now looking at myself....
I don't know that I can be toasted being that I'm a Fire Drake.... Hmmmm
Now I told her that I
wouldn't put this
next picture on the page because she said that it wasn't very
good but I felt that she had misjudged the photo and decided that
you people deserved to see a rare image of Sarena since you had
traveled all this way....
The dragon in the picture is of course me protecting my beautiful mistress as she assumed her human form. Here are a few more of her as she assumes Human form.
I am, of course, always with her in
some form or another.
Now Sarena has a long story of her own behind her shyness. I suppose that centuries of hiding could cause one to be rather hesitant in their actions. Sarena's reason for hiding? When you are being hunted and you are out numbered you have no other choice. Yes, you could stand and fight but when you are faced with the entire Dragon Council I some how doubt that one would have is it you say? Ah yes...A Snowball's chance in hell. Sarena was only 100 years old at the time that she went into her hiding and certainly not a match for the entire council. In my opinion she probably could have handled about a quarter of them but that wouldn't have been saying that she would survive.
The reason for Sarena's being hunted? Fear, the Council's fear of her. At the age of 50 Sarena took a mate, Nicolas Drake. After nearly 50 years of trying they finally produced a clutch of only 3 eggs. The only Obsidian Dragons in all of Creation were going to have a family at last. But someone got nervous about this idea.
The Obsidian Dragons were the most powerful of all the Dragons; able to comand all the elemental magicks and every breath weapon known. When it was found out that these Dragons were also Chaotic Neutral the fear grew. The Obsidians had surpassed the largest of the Golds in size (the Golds having previously been the largest). Sarena was well over 4 feet longer than the largest of the Dragons and Nicolas, over 6 feet. The Obsidians were the youngest of the Created Dragons; being that they were not born but instead Made by the God Roarx in his want for children that he could not have.
These Dragons were created a good century after the first created group but unlike the originally created Dragons they were placed on the planet in a hatchling state. Roarx took care of each Obsidian seperately and on different sides of the planet until they were old enough to be on their own. In the young stages an Obsidian looks like a Black Dragon; not beginning to take on the characteristics of the Adult Obsidian until the age of 50 when the scales begin to take on dull colors of purple and blue. This is a self defense mechinism that has been built into the Obsidians. Why would anyone want to kill a Black Dragon for no reason? (Well, scratch that, lots of people want to kill Black Dragons.)
Once passing the age of 50 the Obsidians have an amazing growth spurt in which they go from the size of a normal black dragon to the size of an adult Gold Dragon. By the time that an Obsidian reaches its fully matured stage it surpasses the Gold Dragons in size and takes on a shimmering metallic look. Obsidians also develop jewels that seem to be embedded on their foreheads. These jewels not only look pretty but also act as a focus when the Obsidians begin weilding their powerful magick.
Now back to the rest of the story.
Sarena was never a trouble maker. In fact she was quite the opposite. Her Horde consisting of every type of butterfly, flowering plant, bird and, of course, magick books and other magick items. Sarena, while capable of destroying the world, instead spent her time in trying to save endangered animals. Her magick ablities only pretained to healing and other "light" spells. She was raised on a small island by her creator Roarx and did not leave it until she was the very young breeding age of 50.
Nicolas on the other hand was more destructive in nature and prone to huge mood swings. He was a fighter of high quality and had held his own quite well against Dragons twice his age and size since he was very young. The Council ALWAYS kept a good eye on Nicolas; knowing that he was capable of much more than they would have liked. Nicolas was not one to blindly follow any rules and stoud up powerfully for what he believed in.
The Council knew Nicolas but they did not know of Sarena until she first showed up on the mainland. Fear mounted at her appereance. Fear that she was a rebel like her male counter part. Upon their mating the other Dragons' fear escalated; resulting in a few attacks by the younger Dragons against the newly mated Obsidians, in those attacks the younger Dragons always lost....several deaths were acreditted to the Obsidians; deaths that the Council said were unjustified.
The Obsidians (Nicolas&Sarena) retreated to the island that Sarena had grown up on and spent the next few decades there in relative peace. Until Sarena finally laid her first clutch.
How news of the new Clutch spread to the Council and the other Dragons is still unknown but the reaction was devastating. The other Dragons had hoped that the Obsidians had somehow been destroyed and were disheartened to find out otherwise. The news that these seemingly invincible Dragons were still alive and that they had managed a Clutch sent the Dragon community into a panic. In that panic the younger members of the Council took action on their own. Gathering their friends and family the younger members set out to the Obsidians' island and attacked the nesting couple.
Nicolas defended Sarena and the 3 eggs to the best of his ablities but after hours of relentless attack finally fell prey to the powers of the 20 Dragons that were fighting him. Sarena imerged from deep within the Obsidian Lair to pick up the defense where her mate had fallen but was out numbered and already exhausted. With a powerful burst of magick from several of the young Council members Sarena was knocked from the sky and fell to the ground. While she lay motionless and seemingly dead on the ground the other Dragons destroyed the clutch and left the island.
When Sarena awoke she returned immediately to her lair to find her mate dead and her nearly ready to hatch eggs destroyed. She mourned her losses and went into hiding where she remained for centuries.
I shall not go into details about how I met Sarena other than to say that I was sent to her by her creator. I have been set to protect the last remaining Obsidian with all my ablities and with my life. It is an honor that I hold high. Sarena is a noble and gentle soul that because of what she is has been severly wronged. Where Sarena is capable of great destruction she is even more capable of great love and kindness. I hope that you would show her the same respect and gentleness that she bestoes upon others.