Hi. I'm Brian . This is my web page. I draw stuff. I make up strange stuff. I think some of it turns out okay.
Character gallery
Some of the characters I've made up. The basis for the story I'm trying to create.Art gallery
Some of my more serious artwork. all in black and white.
Philosophical writings
Some things I wrote that I thought might be worth reading
This Just In:
05/10/06 Wow, it's been 5 months?!? Well, I've added an artwork page.
12/21/05 added "the meaning of life" to the philosophy page
12/07/05 added some pictures and an aditional essay to my philisophical writings. My new little selfportrait joins us in the lower left as well.
10/27/05 changed some things around so the site loads better and faster. added a page for my writings.
10/26/05 Once again I've gone nearly a year without updating. so far I've erased references to a certain character for a certain customizable fighting game so people don't come here by mistake thinking they can get said character. we'll see what else i decide to do.
12/17/04 good god, haven't updated this thing for YEARS! changed layout of main page, deleted useless links page.
02/06/02- put up some new animation for my mugen vswip (very slow work in progress)
01/18/02-put up some new pictures for old characters
12/13/01-animated GIFs of the newly renamed "wa'er" both in the mugen section and on his page.