As of June 29, 1999

In protest of Section 8 of the Yahoo/Geocities Terms of Service - the offensive portion of which reads as follows:


Yahoo does not own Content you submit, unless we specifically tell you otherwise before you submit it. You license the Content to Yahoo as set forth below for the purpose of displaying and distributing such Content on our network of properties and for the promotion and marketing of our services. By submitting Content to any Yahoo property, you automatically grant, or warrant that the owner of such Content has expressly granted, Yahoo the royalty-free, perpetual,irrevocable, non-exclusive and fully sublicensable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display such Content (in whole or part) worldwide and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed.


but the change is meaningless. I never once believed nor understood the terms of service to state that Yahoo owned my works - I understood that they said I gave them the right to do whatever the hell they wanted to with them. So basically their new language means NOTHING because it clarifies something that they never said in the first place. DON'T LET THIS CHANGE LULL YOU! Keep up the Haunting!

Greyhaunt Galleries has been removed from Geocities. To access it, please change your bookmark to

Shadows and Stones - the sister publication of Greyhaunt Galleries has also been removed and can be found at

Support the Haunting of Yahoo/Geocities!

If you are also disturbed by the terms of service listed above - and are a resident of Geocities - DON'T JUST MOVE YOUR SITE. Moving it will only open space for a new - innocent person to fall into this situation. Make a statement by posting your own Haunting page to protest this potential abuse of creativity. And be sure to send me the URL so I can post you as a supporter on the upcoming list!

Use this page as a template to state your disapproval - or create your own black/white and grey page. E-mails can be ignored, but if enough of us remove the creativity which makes the internet great - even Yahoo will have to sit up and take notice.

What exactly is Section 8 saying?

While I lay no claims to legal skills, I have done a lot of contract interpretation in my day. Putting this experience to work I have translated Section 8 into layman's terms to help everyone understand it a bit better.

More details about the Haunting of Geocities will be coming soon


View the Haunting support list - I know you all aren't on it, so please please please send me your URL if you are participating!

Join the movement to Boycott Yahoo! More details are at:

Thank you for visiting my page, and thank you for taking the time to read this.

To e-mail me with any comments send to

To continue on to the new home of Greyhaunt Galleries/Shadows and Stones - click here.