My best friend in the whole world finally got her own page! I decided to keep the one I set up for her here. Its mostly a collection of pictures, but more may be added in the future...keep your bookmark here!
My boyfriend's sister and brother-in-law have a home page set up for themselves. Check it out!
New picture here now!! Redhead, Empressa, and my cool friend from highschool playing at a birthday surprise party!
Lumina^/Kuta^ actually doesn't have a web page of her own either, so I just put her picture up here, cuz I love her so much and cuz noone else has her on a web page anywhere else in the world!! You saw it here first, folks!
ZenCowboy is one of the best friends I have ever met on IRC (and now in real life, too!). He is such a wonderful friend, it is hard to find the words to describe what he means to me. He is also very deep, so don't be surprised at this page *grin*.
Kevin is a friend from both school and work, currently constructing his new homepage. Visit it soon!
Breigh (and her man Tanz) have a very cool web page, but it takes forever to download! Call this girl if you ever need someone harrassed to death :)
DawnDawn hangs out on #truthdare too, and is a very good friend even though she lives in Hawaii.
Wizdom and I have partied many times together, and will hopefully continue to do so. Visit his page for a glimpse into this deep personality.
TrentC has a special place in my heart, since he and I became ChanOps on #truthdare on the same day. We make an awesome team opping together, so come say HI sometime :)
Realtime is one of my best friends from IRC...we had some fun times together :) He just asks one thing of me, and I'll do my best to oblige: "ORANGE" *laugh*
Yet another IRC friend. Follow this link to find out all the nicknames she uses, there's plenty!
My Brit friend's homepage or check out his Goth page. His nick on #truthdare is Stu or StuStuStu :)
QJ's homepage is rather...well, unique is a good word, I guess :) Lots of pics and interesting information if you're American.
Phoenix...yet another netfriend who gets his illustrious link here! :)
For a great display of HTML finesse, check out Lore Interactive
A friend on #truthdare known as EDSPEC (for Education Specialist) or FCC_SW (I don't know what that stands for) now has his own site
Homepage of Derik K. Tam An old friend of mine from high-school, reunited over the 'net. (Kind of a strange story how that happened: He saw my email address on a friend's old homepage while surfing from his friend's account. He thought "Na, couldn't be the same gal I knew", but emailed me just in case...and he was in for a big surprise!)
Nini's homepage The homepage of a great friend of mine. Needs some
work, but keep your eyes open!
A Wild Site for wild sports and athletic type sites, designed and maintained by my good friend Frank.
Psycho's World This page has some of the most interesting links I have ever seen! Also, look for Drax on IRC to meet the Psycho himself :)
That's all for now, folks!