Greetings! You may have noticed some changes around here...that's assuming you have even looked at my page in the last couple of years. Well, it was time for another facelift, and a lot of updates! So, welcome, and feel free to look around!
I have opened my own
sewing business, doing custom sewing costumes and medieval garb. Visit my
very own website at Lady A Creations!
In a nutshell, this website is like a picture chronicle of my life. It has been rather haphazard in the past, but now I have decided to organize it in the best logical time! So here is the timeline of my life on the web...
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
Or you can jump right to the newest entry . Ain't technology great?
My life was very busy in 1998, starting with the creation of this website. I was in my last year at York University, Canada, completing my Bachelor of Arts degree in Computer Science.
Previous to starting this website, and at the beginning of 1998, I spent a lot of time on an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel called #truthdare. I met great people, and put up a lot of pictures of myself so that my friends there would know what I looked like. (It was reciprocated, don't worry). So, there are some really old pictures of me here, and here, and some formals here.
In 1997, I hosted a party for my friends on #truthdare, called "TorDonto 1997". There were supposed to be more, but they never happened.
I was also friends with Empressa (won't say her real name here) for almost 9 years at this point. Since she didn't have her own website then, I made this other page for her. She set up her own site eventually.
I set up a list of links to people I knew...most of these still work to some degree. I had a special page just for Lumina because she didn't have her own page either.
Before 1998, I was engaged to Ricky^, who has his own website. We met on #truthdare, and in person at "TorDonto 1997", and became engaged shortly after that.
In February, I went to San Fransico to visit a good friend who lived there. Yes, I met him on #truthdare too.
In March, my engagement to Ricky^ ended, and I wrote a lot of pathetic poems.
In April, I graduated from York University, and put up some newer pictures of myself
In May, I met Maeryk (another man I knew from #truthdare) in person, and did one of those "love at first site" things. We moved in together in September of 1998, which involved me leaving my hometown of Toronto, Canada, and moving to Allentown, Pennsylvania.
Between May and September, I lived in Toronto, and visited Maeryk regularly. This was the time that I got my beautiful dog, Mollie, from another friend from #truthdare!
September, I started my new job (needed that to move to the USA!) with First Consulting Group . They were actually another company at that time, but the merger happened shortly thereafter, so I feel like I've worked for FCG the whole time.
In early 1999, I redesigned this site , but it basically had all the same content.
I continued to work for FCG, and also became an active member in the local chapter of the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism).
Maeryk and I were officially engaged on my birthday of this year.
2000 was another eventful year, though not nearly as exciting as 1998. First, I became the Webmistress for the Shire of Eisental website. Check out my work there!
In August, Maeryk and I went to our first Pennsic together, and my first ever! This page is really worth checking out for cool pictures of what that was all about. I can't wait to get back...
Later in the year, Maeryk and I bought our first house! That was quite the learning experience. Want to see the dump we left? By the way, DO NOT ever rent from a company called Gold High Point in New Jersey.
After all the fun of moving to a new house, we started our wedding planning! I set up this quick website to keep people informed of plans, but I didn't update it very often. It's pretty anyway, and our wedding did actually end up happening very close to the plans!
I became a Princess House Independent Consultant. See my own Princess House website.
In terms of exciting events, this year has been filled with weddings! Let me explain. While trying to determine how my immigrant status would change after marrying Maeryk, I discovered that if we married in Toronto as we wanted to, then I could not (legally) return to the USA! So, we (kinda secretly) got married in Pennsylvania on February 1, 2001. Why that date? Because Maeryk's favorite train is the 2101...look at the works.
So, on June 16, we got married again, this time in front of family and friends. I set up another website with pictures, and links to two OTHER websites with more pictures.
The saddest part of my life, and this year, was June 27. In a tragic car accident, our friend and Best Man was killed. Please visit his memorial website.
On July 26, I got my Green Card (Permanent Residency), and I am done with the INS for two more years!
It is now August, and I decided to redesign this website again. I will add more as it becomes available, or interesting enough to put here.
We had another dog, temporarily fostering him currently from the MaPaw Husky Rescue and Referral Service, and he's just a doll! Here are some pictures of his first few days with us. He didn't last long, as he was very destructive to our house, and ended up biting me rather severely.
I have opened my own
sewing business, doing custom sewing costumes and medieval garb. Visit my
very own website at Lady A Creations!
- I can't remember much of what happened in 2002. It was 2 years ago now, and not terribly significant in terms of major life events. I do know that in August I became pregnant, but miscarried the pregnancy just 7 weeks later, mid September. It took a while to recover from this.
- In January 2003, I became pregnant again, thanks to the help of Fertility Friend and all the wonderful people I met there. Thus began an exciting year all around!
- On October 8, 2003, our daughter was born. The joyousness of this occassion cannot be explained in mere words. She was born naturally, with only an epidural for 4 hours out of a 35 hour labour. We had a wonderful doula, who also taught us the Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth. It mostly worked. I think my next labour will be entirely least, that is my goal again! Someday I may also try to become a Bradley instructor here for future news about that.
Well, here it is March of 2005 and I realized that this site is getting out of date again! Maybe I need to start a blog or a livejournal like all the "cool people", but somehow I just don't see the need to publically share every detail of my life. Just the highlites! Besides, this site is more for me than anyone else, even though it's public.
Anyway, 2004 was not too exciting. I got laid off from my job at FCG in December of 2003, when my daughter was just 3 months old. I stayed home on unemployment insurance for almost 6 months, and when that ran out, FCG hired me again on a "per diem" basis for about 8 months. In Feb of 2005 I started to work for Alliance Consulting at Centocor R&D, Inc.
This was also the summer that I became Protege to Mistress Elisheva bas Yehuda at Southern Region War Camp in the Shire of Eisental. This was a special occassion for me, though it's hard to describe in words. Maybe someday I'll come back and update that.
Spending the winter and spring home with my daughter was the best time of my life. Learning to be a mother has been the most fulfilling and important thing I've ever done.
Thank you for visiting my site! Please stop for a moment, and sign my guestbook to let me know what you think of it. When you are done, you can go see what others have said.
Have questions? Want to talk? Want to find out how I got my Green Card? I'd be happy to help you! Just click on the button to email me.