J.R. Wright - 03/21/00 17:02:11
My Email:ropya@yahoo.com
favorite dragon (name): cant tell
favorite dragon (type): silver
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: mergie weis (sp?)
if you have any questions, email them to me i may
very well know or can find the answer quickly.
Kylynn of Igen Weyr - 10/22/99 00:12:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky2/kyliez
My Email:kylie_uha@yahoo.com
favorite dragon (name): Gadareth (Bronze)
favorite dragon (type): Perense!
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: ANNE MCCAFFERY!!!!!
You page was cool! I love dragons! Here is a notice for all dragon lovers on the web:
OK everyone! There are 11 eggs, including a QUEEN egg, hardening on Young Weyr's Hatching Sands. These 11 eggs are from a recent mating flight of green Alteth, Atalanta Starmy's dragon. WOW! Greens don't usually have queens. Ever. The Hatching will be som
time around Nov. 11, 1999. Also, two new crafthalls have opened near Young Weyr; a Dawimarkcrafthall and a Dolphincrafthall. Atalanta Starmy is the Masterdophineer, and Dawine is the Masterdawimarkperson. If you are interested in joining a crafthall or ap
lying for Candidacy (a chance to Impress a dragon), e-mail Atalanta at atalanta_starmy@hotmail.com . Tell her that Kylynn told you about it! -Kylynn of Igen Weyr
OK! Did you get all that? If you have any questions, e-mail me at kylie_uha@yahoo.com . BYE! I LOVE DRAGONS! MY HOMEPAGE IS ALL PERNESE DRAGONS!!!!!
Kylynn of Igen Weyr - 10/22/99 00:09:06
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky2/kyliez
My Email:kylie_uha@yahoo.com
favorite dragon (name): Gadareth (Bronze)
favorite dragon (type): Perense!
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: ANNE MCCAFFERY!!!!!
You page was cool! I love dragons! Here is a notice for all dragon lovers on the web:
OK everyone! There are 11 eggs, including a QUEEN egg, hardening on Young Weyr's Hatching Sands. These 11 eggs are from a recent mating flight of green Alteth, Atalanta Starmy's dragon. WOW! Greens don't usually have queens. Ever. The Hatching will be som
time around Nov. 11, 1999. Also, two new crafthalls have opened near Young Weyr; a Dawimarkcrafthall and a Dolphincrafthall. Atalanta Starmy is the Masterdophineer, and Dawine is the Masterdawimarkperson. If you are interested in joining a crafthall or ap
lying for Candidacy (a chance to Impress a dragon), e-mail Atalanta at atalanta_starmy@hotmail.com . Tell her that Kylynn told you about it! -Kylynn of Igen Weyr
OK! Did you get all that? If you have any questions, e-mail me at kylie_uha@yahoo.com . BYE! I LOVE DRAGONS! MY HOMEPAGE IS ALL PERNESE DRAGONS!!!!!
Lea - 09/08/99 06:42:25
My Email:Impishglee@aol.com
favorite dragon (name): Garrek
favorite dragon (type): Western (Tho developing a fondness for Eastren too)
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: Spider Robinson/ Patricia C. Wrede
Was really looking for research on Eastern
dragons. Small help, but nice page. Any info you
can pass on?
PS: I do have a website.. But I haven't got the
address right n
Ziggy Supernova 'n' Sidney - 09/06/99 18:05:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me3/SpaceOddity/index.html
My Email:DrWhoNumber4@yahoo.com
favorite dragon (name): Tengu
favorite dragon (type): water dragon?
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: Steve Lyons
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hallo Curly!
really luvv the page, its spiffy! Maybe see ya in the chats one day-Really great info!
Zigarette¤ 'n' Tavi
Lindy - 06/20/99 03:40:00
My URL:http://www.accesscom.net/~lindy
favorite dragon (name): Ruth
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: Bujold, McCaffrey, lots of others
Where are the pictures? Nice to meet you!
De-LEARY-ous! - 06/07/99 12:28:14
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Jumanji54/JUMANJI.html
My Email:Jumanji54@aol.com
cool page, nice ideas.
De-LEARY-ous! - 06/07/99 12:26:24
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Jumanji54/JUMANJI.html
My Email:Jumanji54@aol.com
favorite dragon (name): Del
cool page, nice ideas.
Chris Truett - 06/01/99 02:41:00
My Email:Gomer1999@hotmail.com
favorite dragon (name): Yosha
favorite dragon (type): A big one lol
Good Page there PC!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheBlackAngelOfDeath - 05/21/99 03:34:37
My Email:MastaClown@hotmail.com
I am death and if you are on my list i will be coming for you
Alyssa - 04/27/99 23:12:22
My URL:http://www.angelire.com/tn/didgy23
My Email:lyssa2384@hotmail.com
hey this is DidgyHRA23....liked your site....nice. :-) maybe i'll chat with ya tonight
Rob Goff / Exeplis - 04/19/99 16:34:23
My Email:ragoff@provide.net
favorite dragon (name): Puff
favorite dragon (type): Magic Dragon
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: Jules Verne
hehe Hi Pc, just thought I'd check your site out. I cant wait to see it when its all finished, so far so good though. :)
Tess - 04/14/99 17:08:30
My Email:tess_bear@hotmail.com
Nice page, needs pictures though!!
FARHAN - 04/14/99 16:32:37
My Email:ALIEN375399@INAME.COM
bamwv - 04/02/99 06:35:33
My Email:bamwv@webtv.net
favorite dragon (name): (that one from dragon heart i can't remomber his name)
favorite dragon (type): all
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: Michael Criton
hey pc cool site i thought u were a computer wiz
now i know u are!!!! cool dragons sorry i couldn't
remimber his name.
Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 06:45:46
Ich denke, daß Sie Seite interessant sind. Ich fand sie durch Unfall auf GeoCities. Wievielen Monaten haben Sie GeoCities verwendet? Lebe wohl.
peacemaker - 03/19/99 15:38:47
My URL:http://fortunecity.com/olympia/seaman/347/index.html
My Email:peacemaker213@hotmail.com
hey babes, i havn't talked to you in a long tyme. email me some time. and i love the site, but my only problem is my poor little eyes can't read it. the neon green is not coool!!!! there is no real background. other than that you are very talented so stay
that way, katrina
Dev - 03/09/99 21:38:50
My Email:93.S.Stubenrauch@oldfield.bath.sch.uk
favorite dragon (name): Daenaris (other series)
favorite dragon (type): uh... dunno...the big ones with large wingspan
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: Robert Jordan
Yup, Dragons are awesome... unfortunately I'm not that big a fan of Dragon Riders of Pern myself. Cya
DMozartsax - 03/08/99 02:49:32
My URL:http://www.geocitie.com/Paris/Lights/9610
My Email:saxy007@yahoo.com
jokerkills - 03/04/99 02:24:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/vine/8001
My Email:jokerkills@hotmail.com
favorite dragon (name): fire dragons
Go to my page and await a suprise.
PrincessLeia2 - 02/28/99 18:16:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me2/PrincessLeia2/index.html
My Email:Eve162@yahoo.com
favorite dragon (name): Mnementh, from Dragonriders of Pern
favorite dragon (type): Bronze
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: Douglas Adams
Hey Pc, nice page, I had no idea you were so into dragons, my little sis got me into The Dragonriders of Pern Trilogy, it's pretty cool. Well I'll see you around in chat %)
kai - 02/28/99 05:40:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Baja/7094
favorite dragon (name): Shao Lao the undying one
favorite dragon (type): Chinese
Some info... Chinese dragons do not have wings. They fly by undulating their body through the clouds. You can tell a chinese dragon's status by the number of claws on their hands and feet.
Shelly - 02/19/99 00:39:35
My Email:Venus3345@aol.com
Shelly - 02/19/99 00:36:47
My Email:Venus3345@aol.com
Carl Newman - 02/13/99 10:06:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Keys/1029/index.html
My Email:Madhatter5@hotmail.com
favorite dragon (name): all
favorite dragon (type): all
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: Robert Jordan
i enjoyed your page check out my website . I got a nice collect of dragons :) sign my guestbook also thanks :)
Silver_Serinia - 02/12/99 02:21:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Makeup/8404/index.html
My Email:silverserinia@hotmail.com
favorite dragon (name): Claw
favorite dragon (type): Red Welsch Dragon
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: ~no favorite~
Nice page. It's good to see that someone has interest enough to create such a detailed page (and in two languages!) on such fabulous creatures.
Damia - 01/11/99 01:49:03
My Email:nari16@hotmail.com
favorite dragon (name): Ramoth
favorite dragon (type): Fighting
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: Anne McCaffrey
I love the site, especially the backround on the guest book. Dragons are my fav. GREAT JOB!!!
Damesel_Distress - 01/04/99 06:44:09
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/kathyuniverse.com
My Email:poochy_girl@hotmal.com
hey peaci!! it's me Damesel. Try to talk to adsfatty please!(thats what i call him now and he knows)Visit my site and look at the beanie babie page i made, it's cool. Sign the guest book. bye!!! here's a dragon for u- =^..^= the = sign is the gills. the ^
are the eyes. and the . are the nostrils. bye!!!! (it's also a cat if u see.
Frank Conti - 11/13/98 22:26:47
My Email:Ralhpie89@aol.com
favorite dragon (name): drake
favorite dragon (type): killing
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: dont know
Lela - 11/09/98 00:11:16
Very nice page, Peacimowen. I'm sorry, but I don't have any favorite dragon names or types. I could never limit myself to just one! Same thing applies to authors, too, I guess. There are so many good ones. But I think the dragon you picked for a back
round is fabulous!!! ;)
Mat Branyon - 10/31/98 23:59:19
My Email:silver jihad@mailexcite.com or yahoo.com
favorite dragon (name): silverlord
favorite dragon (type): great dragons, or silver dragons
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: tolkien ro orson scott card
hello, where is every one at your chat room, im silverjihad.
10/16/98 07:05:29
Name: Bad Bunny
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks
Serpent - 09/26/98 04:54:12
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ar/serpentmage
My Email:serpent_mage@yahoo.com
favorite dragon (name): Draco
favorite dragon (type): Big
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: Wess Hickman
Cool page man!! See you around!
Cindy - 09/23/98 15:00:21
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-)
Johnny - 09/18/98 01:31:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/canal/6474
My Email:johnnychou@mail.com
favorite dragon (name): dont have one
favorite dragon (type): dont know
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: dont have one
nice site=)
hey I am ice!!!
Jenn ~Shimmer~ - 07/10/98 03:57:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Surf/5131
My Email:shyf18@hotmail.com
favorite dragon (type): the scary kind! *L*
It is a pretty good page.....better than mine....*S*
Maybe you can help me out! Keep up the good work! C-ya later....
jaguar_16_98 - 07/08/98 18:49:14
My Email:jaguar_16_98@yahoo.com
i like your web site
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 12:48:47
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Mellownine - 06/24/98 05:45:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/5041
My Email:Mellow_BP20@msn.com
favorite dragon (name): my third grade teacher
favorite dragon (type): magic ones
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: Chris Carter (X-Files)
Cool page, man. :) I'm checking out the site in between turns on Reversi. Err... you're really kicking my butt right now. Maybe a giant dragon will come around and swoop you up so I will win by forfeit.
«Åƒ†ë®§hÖ©k» - 06/09/98 19:31:07
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/chicago/~afterquake
My Email:afterquake@hotmail.com
favorite dragon (name): smog from 'the hobbit'
favorite dragon (type): jewel encrusted
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: jrr tolkien
nice page, alex. dragons r kool. glad we're friends.
TheMistressssss/Eva - 06/06/98 05:19:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palladium/5824/
My Email:themistress@mindless.com
favorite dragon (name): uhhhh i dunnno
favorite dragon (type): samehereman
i dont know or have seen anyone that knows more about dragons as much as you do!!!!dragons are really beautiful creatures, i would get one for a pet.
nice page!
talk to you later!
AnT - 06/04/98 18:02:26
My URL:(Don't have one - yet!)
My Email:Anton.Croft@london.pgs.com
favorite dragon (name): Puff
favorite dragon (type): Magic
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: See below.
Although I do read a lot - more than most people
I know - I have to be honest and say that I've never actually read a Sci-fiction novel as such,
except for things like "Clockwork Orange" by
Anthony Burgess (I think); "Cat's Cradle" by Kurt
Vonnegut a couple of books by Issac Asimov and a few others, I'm a big Stephen King fan and
will read anything to do with music oh! I read a good book by Margaret Atwood (I think that's spelt right) - "The Handmaids Tale" - I think she's
Canadian too! I do love watching Sci-fi films and TV shows like Star Trek, Babylon 5 etc. See ya!
Imaginary God - 06/04/98 17:52:14
My Email:acid_dog@mailexcite.com
favorite dragon (name): puff the magic dragon
favorite dragon (type): pete's dragon
nice page!
autoditacker - 05/28/98 03:29:10
My Email:autoditacker@xec.net
favorite dragon (name): Bob the Dragon
favorite dragon (type): "Bob" Class Dragons
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: Stanislaw Lem
This is the requested guestbook signature. :)
Andrea Moore - 05/24/98 05:51:14
My Email:dream_20@hotmail.com
favorite dragon (name): Puff
favorite dragon (type): magic... hehe
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: Pretty much anyone
Peaci, man... this is pretty cool... once you get your animated dragons on here, it will rock...
I have a friend who's really into dragons and scifi... you guys should talk ... i'll tell her to look for you in reversi... she'll be either MaOj or Amy_Bolyard...
Gitana - 05/17/98 03:08:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area/51/Zone/5978/
My Email:nishima@hotmail.com
favorite dragon (name): Woraug (from something else)
favorite dragon (type): gold
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: Robin McKinly
Just stopped by, great page!!
Disco's Ghost - 05/15/98 18:37:41
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/disco98/index.html
My Email:disco@clara.net
favorite dragon (name): Double 'ard dragon
favorite dragon (type): fire breating one's *lol*
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: That dude that wrote the EarthSea Trilogy
Excellent page man, and i bothered reading yours! *lol* I'm just to great... *g*
ÐRÁGØÑØÑE® - 05/12/98 17:46:06
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Dragon_One/index.html
My Email:dragon1@willinet.net
favorite dragon (name): ÐRÁGØÑØÑE®
favorite dragon (type): ME!!
*looking around* Nice place ya got here!
Charlotte - 05/12/98 17:20:44
My Email:tootie@fidnet.com
Hi Peacimowen, I'm Tootie from the chat room and I came by to say "HI, HAVE A NICE DAY"
Joseph Melchionne - 05/07/98 14:13:25
My Email:jmelcionne@hotmail.com
favorite dragon (name): Draco
favorite dragon (type): All
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: Pierce Anthony
I have nit yet gitten a chance to chat with you but i am hoping to in the near future.
Joseph Melchionne
Peacemaker - 05/04/98 16:30:20
My Email:peacemaker213@hotmail.com
favorite dragon (name): any that you think
Favorite sci-fi/fantasy author.: everyone
Hi peacimowen, now you don't have a reason for sending me email because now you have my email address right? Okay see you later you cute little gator
~Shy~ (Jenn) - 04/20/98 17:22:29
My URL:http://geocities.com/SouthBeach/Surf/5131
My Email:shyf18@hotmail.com
favorite dragon (name): ummmm.....I don't think I know any.....
favorite dragon (type): I like the scary ones!!!
This site kicked ass.......I liked it even though I am not really into dragons. I thought you did a good job!!! You can visit my boring site if you want but it won't be much fun......*hugz*
person to view my guestbook.