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Here are some of my favourite Simpsons' sounds:
Homer singing I am the champion!!!(.wav 196k)
"Girls of the internet....(.au 69k) " (sound file)
"My baloney has a first name it's H.O.M.E.R...."(.wav 70k)
"Mmmmm....forbidden donut...."(.wav 35k)
"meow meow meow meow....."(.wav 51k)
Mr. Plow song!!!....(.wav 45k)
Homer buying porno...(.wav 183k)
"that dog has a puffy tail!....."(.wav 97k)
"Mmmmm sacrilicious...."(.wav 39)
Suger in America....(.wav 97k)
"yummy yummy I got love in my tummy..."(.wav 32k)
Mexican Flanders!!! (.wav 79k)
Milhouse's laugh!!!! (.wav 168k MUST HAVE!!!)
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