Don't let any rats in here! This page is about snakes, and that is a tender subject with most rats, and with some rat people. If you are one of those people, you might want to leave right now.
This is Pedro, a Pueblan Milk Snake. Pedro is a very mellow guy who, unfortunately, prefers to hide most of the time. When he is out, he is very docile. My friend Amanda, who is 4 years old, loves to hold Pedro when she comes to visit. The best thing about Pedro is that he is NEVER fussy at dinner time. He always eats, right away, without a problem.
Pedro and my other snakes are carnivorous, but they never eat live food. They have all been conditioned since birth to eat pre-killed frozen mice. The mice are defrosted and then fed to the snakes. Not only is this much more convenient than keeping live mice for food, it is also safer for the snakes, and more humane.
Now lets meet "The Girls":
No, it's not a two-headed serpent. It's my two female Northern Pine Snakes, all wrapped together because I just removed the box they were sleeping under. Like Pedro, "The Girls" are very docile and well mannered. Unlike Pedro, they can be fussy about eating. Sometimes I guess they just aren't hungry.
To properly house this impressive reptile collection, I built a beautiful display stand:
The stand holds two aquariums: a 20 gallon on top for Pedro and a 29 gallon on the bottom for The Girls. Each tank is covered with a snap-on screen top to keep the snakes inside. Above each tank are two built in light sockets. One socket holds a light bulb (for heat and light), the other holds a heating element that doesn't give off any light. Switches on the side control the sockets, so it's easy to switch between light during the day and just heat at night. Of course, there is some junk stored down below. Each tank is on a rolling shelf, so I can slide the tank out from under the light and get into the tank. See the picture below: |
If you are even THINKING about a snake or another reptile as a pet, the very first thing you should do is click here to visit Melissa Kaplan's Herp Site. It is THE quintessential source for reptile information! There you can find the detailed information you need about what your reptiles need to live long healthy lives.
Here is one last picture of Pedro, going for a crawl. Isn't he beautiful?
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