This is my old Guest Book. It was just too full. It was taking ages to load, but I wanted you to be able to see the wonderful people who has signed so here it is! Thank you !! Come back again. I am always adding!

09/17/98 20:35:00
Name: Adrisir My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Pippin, hands down Are you from Middle Earth?: No, but the people I'm descended from used to live there, about where the Shire is now, actually, so we're neighbors Are you a Hobbit?: Sorry, no. Wizard.
What's your favorite book?: Lord of the Rings, naturally

Hi! I followed the link you left in my guestbook. I've visited your cite before, and was quite impressed by it, especially the weird Tolkien links. Very cozy. Oh, and baby Smaug is quite adorable, though I didn't realize that hobbits were ones to keep dragons in their hobbit-holes. Lovely site, and the neatest Geocities link thingy I've seen. See you around!

Name: Denise My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me Who's your favorite Hobbit?: sam wise Are you from Middle Earth?: yes Are you a Hobbit?: yes What's your favorite book?: The Hobbit Have you read Xanth?: yup!! Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: no

Hello fellow Hobbit!!!!! very very well done!!! i will return again!! I thought about making mine more serious, but we ended up with a gilligan loves Hobbits kind of thing!! rofl But yours took alot of work!! Good job!!! Thanks!!!

09/17/98 01:59:51
Name: Deproelius Gulmurathur My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who's your favorite Hobbit?: This one Are you from Middle Earth?: Yes. Are you a Hobbit?: Hmm, not quite...
What's your favorite book?: The Silmarillion Have you read Xanth?: Yes Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: No

Greetings, oh hobbit! We would dearly love you to stop by our mess hall for lunch one day...

09/15/98 04:59:06
Name: smiely My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who's your favorite Hobbit?: My Hobbit Are you from Middle Earth?: no i'm not but I love sleeping in Hobbit holes every chance I get Are you a Hobbit?: no but I'm in love with one
What's your favorite book?: The Hobbit Have you read Xanth?: no, should I ? Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: no

We need more Hobbit's in the world! Cool site!

09/15/98 04:57:18
Name: Hobbit My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who's your favorite Hobbit?: me Are you from Middle Earth?: with a name like hobbit, what do you think? Are you a Hobbit?: duhhh, lol
What's your favorite book?: The Hobbit Have you read Xanth?: nope Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: nope

I'm so happy to have found you! Great site, keep up the great work on behalf of Hobbit's everywhere!

09/14/98 04:53:17
Name: trekkinguy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who's your favorite Hobbit?: bilbo Are you from Middle Earth?: i'm from the 23rd century, but i slingshot around the sun sometimes to vist bilbo. Are you a Hobbit?: No, I'm a terran
What's your favorite book?: Crossover by michael jan friedman Have you read Xanth?: no, but ive been to antares xanth beta 7 Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: no

even though im from the 23rd century. i must say, i really enjoyed your hole, i like the nice warm feeling i get here. much nicer than some of the other holes ive been to. you've done a nice job, you should really be proud of your little hole here. ill be visiting it again!

09/11/98 19:03:36
Name: Elf Girl My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Merry! Are you from Middle Earth?: Yes Are you a Hobbit?: No, an elf.
What's your favorite book?: The Thomas Covenant Series, by Stephen R. Donaldson Have you read Xanth?: Of course! Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: Yes.

Merry Meet! I love your site...especially the faerie pages. It's so nice to meet a hobbit, especially one who loves Xanth! You have done a great job here! Come Travel ~The Road to Faerie~ sometime, and visit the faeries & their friends! Blessed be.

09/10/98 17:42:47
Name: Falla/Angela My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Who's your favorite Hobbit?: All are cute!!
What's your favorite book?: all kinds

I surfed in on the LOTH train!!Very, very nice page. You've done an excellent job.The kids really like it. I've enjoyed my visit to your home! Love the graphics,they are too cute.Love your sis, Falla/Angela

09/06/98 20:05:33
Name: Brandy Wine Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Bilbo Are you from Middle Earth?: yes (duh)
Are you a Hobbit?: no, but I'm related to one What's your favorite book?: the Wishsong of Shannara Have you read Xanth?: yes
Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: yes

Thank you for making a page for Gandalf. Gandalf is, like, THE BEST!!

09/06/98 19:45:19
Name: Sara "Gollum" Rives Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Sam Are you from Middle Earth?: Yup
Are you a Hobbit?: Nope. What's your favorite book?: Goblins in the Castle Have you read Xanth?: Yes
Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: Nope

Very, Very, VERY cool site. I'm a HUGE fan of the Lord of the Rings and Xanth.

09/01/98 22:12:15
Name: Aliae My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Sam's the man! (er, hobbit) . . . Are you from Middle Earth?: I have a summer house there Are you a Hobbit?: Nope, just a believer
What's your favorite book?: The Fellowship otR

"It was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort." Very hobbit-like site! (Where'd ya get all the cool .gifs?) Visit mine anytime at . Full of Tolkien quotes, trivia, etc -- only for the dedicated! :o)

08/28/98 22:49:18
Name: Soullord My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Don't have a favorite Are you from Middle Earth?: Nope Are you a Hobbit?: Nope
What's your favorite book?: Xanth Novels Have you read Xanth?: Yes Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: Yes


08/27/98 20:20:34
Name: Laura My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Sam Gamgee Are you from Middle Earth?: Yes Are you a Hobbit?: Yes
What's your favorite book?: The Hobbit+ the Lord of the Rings Trilogy Have you read Xanth?: no but i have read books by Piers Anthony Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: No not yet

Your page is very cute and satisfies the Hobbit in me.

08/27/98 20:16:16
Name: Laura My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Who's your favorite Hobbit?: yes


08/22/98 00:49:44
Name: Dianne Hendry My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Bilbo Baggins Are you from Middle Earth?: no Are you a Hobbit?: no
What's your favorite book?: Lord of the Rings Have you read Xanth?: no Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: no

Not much of a Hobbit, but I did love your site. Got me to remember reading all those books when I was younger. Glad to have came in contact with you Leanne. Thanks for writing me and teching about the guestbook. I really enjoy having it there. Write me nytime.

08/21/98 02:53:32
Name: fisch My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who's your favorite Hobbit?: sam wise Are you from Middle Earth?: sometimes Are you a Hobbit?: no
What's your favorite book?: future impeerfect Have you read Xanth?: no

cool site!

08/16/98 04:48:58
Name: phyllis
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

just thought i would check your page out. i think that it is cool. my kids think so too.

08/08/98 01:43:25
Name: Magician Humfrey My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Samwise What's your favorite book?: The Book of Answers Have you read Xanth?: I AM from Xanth
Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: No, why not visit mine instead?

Great site, but too many graphics. They all waste too much time. Try to compact them. Watch out for Com-Pewter too.

08/06/98 20:32:24
Name: DominO My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Leanie Are you from Middle Earth?: NO Are you a Hobbit?: No
Have you read Xanth?: NO Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: NO

I really enjoy your pages.The Graphics that you put on your pages are just beautiful...keep them coming.;+}

08/06/98 17:50:23
Name: Sir Pippen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Perigrin Took (Pippin) Are you from Middle Earth?: Yes Are you a Hobbit?: Yes, the grandson of Pippin. Mr. Perigren Took at your service.
What's your favorite book?: The Bible, Then the Lord of the Rings Have you read Xanth?: No Sorry...But interested Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: Only yours

HiLo Leanie, Marvelous hole you have here!! I feel right at home. Thank you so much for linking my hole to yours. I appreciate the "tunnel"! Take care my friend, heed not those uninformed who visit your pages! (Uncouth Trolls!!!!!) Your humble hobbit, Pippen

  • 08/01/98 04:45:11
    Name: The Evil Antler God My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Bilbo Are you from Middle Earth?: no Are you a Hobbit?: no
    What's your favorite book?: Mad Magazine Have you read Xanth?: nope

    Hi Leanie its Me the Evil antler god here to send you to the deep dark pit of the dreaded Coconut monkey!

    07/24/98 21:12:33
    Name: Judy Duet My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Who's your favorite Hobbit?: I don't have one! :( Are you from Middle Earth?: I don't know? :( Are you a Hobbit?: No :(
    What's your favorite book?: Adeline Court Series Have you read Xanth?: No Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: No

    Nice Page. I not into Hobbits. It must be an acquired taste.

    07/23/98 04:31:54
    Name: T.Bone My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Sam Are you from Middle Earth?: Yes Are you a Hobbit?: Ranger
    What's your favorite book?: LoRings/Dragonriders of Pern Have you read Xanth?: no Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: not yet

    Loved your page. Some definitely A1 graphics.

    07/12/98 10:28:20
    Name: Steve Davidson My URL: Visit Me
    My Email: Email Me Who's your favorite Hobbit?: All Hobbits Taste the Same
    Are you from Middle Earth?: One Day I will Rule Middle Earth Are you a Hobbit?: WHAT!!!!!!!!

    Excellent Page and superb links, forgive the Hobbit Catching comments but I think Tolkien would have invented Hobbit Catchers if the Dark Riders hadn't been around anyway. Take care . Steve

    06/22/98 21:19:02
    Name: Saruman the Magnificent My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Who's your favorite Hobbit?: I hate them all Are you from Middle Earth?: I OWN Middle Earth Are you a Hobbit?: Pah!
    What's your favorite book?: 101 ways to cook a Hobbit Have you read Xanth?: I have read everything

    Nice page Leanie, for a rodent. No really I love Hobbits... on toast aaaahahahahahahahaha.... cough hahahahahha... oh my giddy aunt I've left the iron on...

    06/09/98 01:47:30
    Name: Randoric of the Rohan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Samwise Gamgee and you of course Are you from Middle Earth?: yes Are you a Hobbit?: no
    What's your favorite book?: Lord of the Rings Have you read Xanth?: yes Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: no

    Your page looks great.. Ive made improvements to mine.. come and visit again... ICQ me at 2113056 if you can..

    06/07/98 21:40:53
    Name: Delta My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Bilbo Are you from Middle Earth?: Almost, Norway. Are you a Hobbit?: No
    What's your favorite book?: LOTR and the Three Musketeers Have you read Xanth?: No Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: Yours


    Nice page. Always fun to meet fellow Tolkien fans. Be good.

    05/26/98 20:53:16
    Name: Nicholas cox My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Bilbo Bagins Are you from Middle Earth?: yes Are you a Hobbit?: yes
    What's your favorite book?: The Hobbit Have you read Xanth?: no Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: no

    You have a very nice site here. By the way I don't know who made the Bilbo gif I have. PS. If you need anmy help with this site just let me know.

    05/24/98 20:07:13
    Name: CORINNE My URL: Visit Me
    Who's your favorite Hobbit?: PONY/UNICORN Are you a Hobbit?: no
    What's your favorite book?: 1 COUNTING BOOK


    05/24/98 11:09:07
    Name: ~*~ˆérñäl Ðrêämér~*~ My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Bilbo Are you from Middle Earth?: not exactly.... Are you a Hobbit?: no....a creature of the night
    What's your favorite book?: Lord Of The Rings and Interview With The Vampire Have you read Xanth?: not yet Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: no...but I intend to

    Greetings Leanie...your site is delicious...I have always had a fondness for hobbits...and you are by far the sweetest one I have had the pleasure of meeting.

    05/22/98 22:46:22
    Name:Ryan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Frodo Are you from Middle Earth?: yes Are you a Hobbit?: no Im an elf with big ears
    What's your favorite book?: The Fellowship of the Ring Have you read Xanth?: nope Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: not yet

    Leanie it's fun to visit your homepage. You got description down pat.

    05/13/98 02:24:32
    Name: Hank The Hobbit My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Frodo Are you from Middle Earth?: Yes, Shire Are you a Hobbit?: Yes
    What's your favorite book?: Wizards First Rule Have you read Xanth?: No, but i will check it out now :) Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: nope

    Great site. It is a very comfortable place. Thanks for stoping by my hole. I will stop by often. Many happy returns.

    04/27/98 16:21:30
    Name: georgy rosenberg My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Who's your favorite Hobbit?: frodo Are you from Middle Earth?: yes Are you a Hobbit?: no
    What's your favorite book?: all tolkien books Have you read Xanth?: no,write me pls what it is . Tell me if you been to any Xanth sites.: no

    nice page , i will put link to your page in mine site , bye :)

    04/20/98 17:11:42
    Name: Domio My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Who's your favorite Hobbit?: Leanie Are you from Middle Earth?: No Are you a Hobbit?: No,I'm a friend Of the Hobbits.
    What's your favorite book?: Unknown Have you read Xanth?: No

    SOOOOOOOO pretty! I really like it.Bilbo's so cute you just want to Hug him.

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