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![]() You're probably wondering "Who is this Bob301 guy? Is that his real name? Why do I care? How did I get to this page? What is the meaning of life?". I can answer a few of those questions right now. Bob301 is not my real name. I'm actually known as Sancho. Ok, not Sancho. Taco? Spaghetti? Cory- oh, that's it. Cory. I've been on the Internet since 1995. I first accessed the net through AOL. At the time, I was in high school, and looking forward to college. I was also reading a lot of Douglas Adams books (actually, I read a few Douglas Adams' books a lot). There are a few references to The Bob. The Bob knows. The ineffable will of Bob. Sent from Bob. The list goes on. I thought Bob was a great name, very common and neutral, and liked the 'ineffable' part. So, I started with Bob. Bob wouldn't be just a name, it'd be a study in online life. The 301 came in because I misunderstood the college class numbering system. However, I liked the name so much, I've kept it ever since. So there's some personal history for you. If you're still here, you've moved on to the cynical stage of curiosity: what's the point? Why is this page here? What, to use a colloquialism, the fuck Well, I'll tell you. This page exists for your benefit. That's right, I was thinking of you when I made this page. I thought to myself: "Myself, what would [insert your name here] like to read on the net?" Then I had an epiphany: whatever the hell I put up. You are here for the same reason I am: you're bored. you have nothing to do. You have no one to do it to. Maybe you're at work, and the boss has been breathing down your neck and you need a break. Maybe you're at school, and the teacher is in the background droning on. Maybe, and I'm sure this is the least likely, you were browsing at home, saw the page, and thought to yourself "Yourself, why the fuck not? I'll check it out." So, I've put up some content, and I'd like you to check it out. Hell, send me a comment here if you want to see something specific, argue with something I've said, or just have an opinion on the page. 09/17/03 Updated blog page. On the pane to the left, you'll see some links. Here's a quick breakdown for you, if you can't figure from the name of the link the content on that page. HOME STORIES BLOG COMIC DRAKE All right, get to navigating already. I don't have time to just hang out here all day. PS My little brother was recently incarcerated, rather unjustly, in the Arizona state penitentiary system. He'll be out in a couple fo years. I think it's total bullshit what happened to him, and I'm sure I'll post it in a rant on my blog page in a day or two. I just want you all to know that, since I'm posting all this personal stuff on here. |