She walks across rainbows,
and dances in faery rings.
She can hear the sweet voice,
Of the wind when it sings.
Upon a white unicorn she rides,
An open hearts she always brings.
Dreams live within her soul,
Her hopes fly on golden wings.
Tis the small ways,
the touch of a hand
the love of a friend,
that mark life's good things.
Does't thee wonder, as I --
what drew us nye
a fateful heart-song, too long left unsung

The last time that I saw you,
you stood upon a hill,
your cape of silver and blue,
etched against the moon.
Heroic and brave like the warriors of legend.
Mythical like a bard's tale.
Invisible like a breath of wind
A softness mere words cannot express
to touch, to know,few human's
will ever be so blessed.
He is curious and the wolf,
nudges gently,the poets hand.