Ni bhionn an rath ach mar a mbionn an smacht
The restless forces of nature, wind and weather, light and shade come together to make:
Tir na n'Og
Land of Eternal Youth
Myths and legends were harshly carved --
long and painfully in a compromise with nature
Mythology finds it's base in nature itself --
for the myths become legends and the legends drift into history
and if thee believes, THE MAGIC STILL LIVES
the magic of nature
the magic of truth
the magic of words
but most of all, the magic that lives in your heart
Oisin, son of Fionn MacCumhall, was once asked what it was that kept him and the Fianna. He replied with this beautiful statement, phrased in the magical Triad poetic form:
"It is what kept us through our days, the truth that was in our hearts, and strength in our arms, and fulfillment in our tongues."

When Oisin speaks of "truth in our hearts, strength in our arms, fulfillment in our tongues", he is speaking allegorically of three professional castes in Celtic society:
Druids, Warriors, and Fili (Poets), respectively.
The Druids did not worship trees! They revered nature and taught that men's souls and the spiritual universe are indestructible. Druids were the spiritual leaders of the Celtic community. Howerver, their role was not limited to the otherworld. From the ranks of the Druids came the lawgivers, the bards and storyteller, and the healers. Druidic ethic is that the Druids do not adhering to rules and authorities for proper ethical conduct. Instead they seek to become a certain kind of person. They seek ethical behavior as a lifestyle. Morality should come as naturally as breathing. The knowledge they possessed in and by itself, present the owner with a higher moral standing. Training for a Druid could span 20 years of his/her life. Women were Druids as often as men.

Fianna warriors understood that they had moral obligations. The following are some Fionn MacCumhall words about those obligations: "If you have a mind to be a champion, be quiet in a great man's house; be surely in the narrow pass. Let two-thirds of your gentleness be shown to women, and to little children that are creeping on the floor, and to men of learning that make the poems, and do not be rough with the common people. Do not give your reverence to all. Do not threaten unless you can carry it out afterwards. Do not forsake your lord so long as you live; do not give up any man that puts himself under your protection for all the treasures of the world. This is right conduct I am telling you. Hold fast to your arms till the last fight is well ended. Do not give up your opportunity, but with that follow after gentleness."
"Fulfillment in our tongues" is like a description of a poem. Poetry, in Celtic myth, is the very foundation of magic. The Fili is using her particular artistic ability to engage in the pursuit of knowledge. The Truth in a fili's poetry could change weather conditions, or bestow curses on an assembly. The poet placed a very high value on aesthetics, many Celtic myths go to great lengths to describe the regal charisma of kings like Conchobar Mac Nessa, or the beauty and grace of women. It is the spirit of the connection where the real beauty is. The magical quality of Celtic poetics is very revealing from a spiritual and ethical point of view. It is important to understand that it is the spirituality which gives rise to the ethic. The Celts appeared to view the world in a triadic form. Triads were often the form of poetry in which laws and mysteries were remembered, such as "Oisin's Answer", given above. Irish Druids in particular used poetry to construct magical spells, and the myths record some of the most famous poetic deliveries of the greatest Druids. Druids did not use material props to work magic, instead they needing only their voices and their inspiration, which was referred to as the magical "fire in the head."