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Those days when Conor mac Nessa (Conchubar) sat on the throne of Ulster in Emania Macha and the warriors of the Red Branch strode the land, were some of the most brilliant days in Ireland's history. Warriors such as Ireland had never seen, nor will again. An age of fearless champions and warriors, of Red Branch Knights of Emania Macha.
But the greatest, the most famed, and the most dazzling of all the heroes of this heroic age was undoubtedly CuChulainn, of whose life and wondrous deeds, real and imaginary, hundreds of stories still exist. As does his famed statue in Ireland.
Setanta, the nephew of Conor Mac Nessa, King of Ulster had always wanted a warriors life. His desire was to become a member of the famed Red Branch Warriors. On his arrival at Emania Macha he joined, uninvited the other youths, sons of the heroes of the Red Banch. They were angered by the intrusion of this unknown boy for no one could join them unless he applied to the Boys Troop for permission.
The Hound of Cullan![]() Cullan had a hound who was well known for it's faithfulness and ferociousness. Cullen's custom was to unloose his hound at nightfall. This great shaggy hound was given the nightly duty to patrol the grounds and under whose protection, it was said Cullan feared nothing less than the onslaught of an army. Conor, forgetting Setanta was to follow, gave his permission for Cullen to bar the gate and loose the hound.. Suddenly, above the laughter and the music there was a terrible sound which brought every warrior to his feet, weapons in hand and ready in an instant. They recognized the tremendous baying of Cullan's hound, giving warning as he saw a stranger approaching his masters dun. Soon, the noise changed to that of fierce and deadly combat. The great hound thought to protect his master, as he met the stranger. Cullan madly pulled at the bars and flung open the doors. With the fleetness of deer, Conor and his men were outside, where they saw Setanta with his hurley stick and ball. At the second charge of the hound, having no weapon, Setanta struck the ball with such force it went down the throat of the hound. Grabbing the hound by the hind legs he dashed him against a rock until there was no life left in him. Fergus mac Roi was the first to reach Setanta, gathering him up upon his shoulder the warrior turned and brought him safe to Conor and there was a great rejoycing among them all. In Cullan heart there was no joy. With staggering steps, he went toward the still, broken and bloodied body of his faithful hound. Gently, gathering the broken body in his arms, he turned and said, "it was no good luck that brought him," he said; "for from this time out, my faithful hound being gone, my substance will be wasted, and my way of living gone. And boy," the smith continued, his voice cracking, "that was a good and most valued member of my family you took from me this night, for he was the protector of my herds and all that I had." Thinking, Setanta replied, "If there is a whelp of this same breed to be had in the whole of Ireland, I'll have him no matter what the cost. I'll rear him and train him until he is better than the great hound that I caused you to lose this night; and until the time comes when he is ready to take his place by your side," he said, "I, myself will be the guardian and watch-dog of your goods, your house and your cattle." "A fair price indeed," said Conor. "I could have given no better award myself," said Cathbad the Druid, and from this night forth you have earned a new name, no longer will you be the lad called Setanta, but instead your name will be CuChulainn, the Hound of Cullan." A name never before borne by any warrior, coming from the king's druid, this was an unparalleled honor. Setanta recognized the honor, but as sometimes happens with young men, he blurted out, "I think I am better pleased with my own name of Setanta, son of Sualtim." Realizing what he had done, Setanta looked at his foster-father and wished the skies would fall upon him. "You know not what you say boy," said Cathbad, "for all the men of the world will someday have the name of CuChulainn in their mouths." Smiling, Conor said, "It is better for you to be CuChulainn, I think.".Relaxing then, knowing that Conor found no fault with him the lad said, "be that so, then I am most content to keep it."
To Live Forever On that day that, in Emania, in the Hall of Heroes, he took up his arms. He stood before the Druids in the Hall of Heroes and exclaimed, "It is little I would care, if my life were to last but one day and one night only, so long as my name and the stories of my deeds live after me.