          Welcome to the Sacred Wood

"Celtic Trees Image" From The Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom
by Cáitlin & John Matthews

Merry Met and well come
I travel through time, ride the winds of fate,
back to the past, where my heart belongs

Myths and legends form the story of a people. Most people forget that legends and myths once had their base in fact. In Celtic culture myth and history are so completely intertwine that they can not be untangled. Many of the Celtic myths tell true stories about real heros. There is, within every myth there is at least a small kernel of truth.

Come, live the myth, believe the magic
She lives in a time of her own
Heart of Life, on bended knee

Look for magic where ever you go
for it's hidden deep within the soul.
But only those whose eyes will see,
Possess this special magic key.

My deepest thanks to four who have the key:

StormLover and Stormbringer -- Perrin and Faile
This Celtic Blessing tis for thee

The Celtic Blessing of the Nine Elements

      May you go forth under the strength of heaven,
      under the light of sun,
      under the radiance of moon;
      may you go forth with the splendor of fire,
      with the speed of lightning,
      with the swiftness of wind;
      may you go forth supported by the depth of sea,
      by the stability of earth,
      by the firmness of rock;
      May you be surrounded and encircled,
      with the protection of the nine elements.

      Celtic Blessings / Caitlin Matthews

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    Ancient Celtic Culture

    My celtic pages

    Sidhe page

    Celtic Myths and Legends

    The Red Branch and Fianna Warriors

    The most famous Red Branch Warrior, CuChulain the Hound

    The most famous warrior of the Fianna, Finn McCool.

    Deirdre of the Sorrows

    Niall of the Nine Hostages

Conn of the Hundred Battles

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