Welcome to my Gambit and Rogue fanfiction page. Rogue, Gambit and the X-men are property of Marvel comics. The non Marvel characters are mine. No profit was made from this.
Now the other disclaimer. If you are under 18 you shouldn't be reading these. They aren't pornographic, but they do deal with mature themes.
This is my oldest Gambit and Rogue fanfiction originally written in 1993-4. This takes place in an alternate X-verse. Basically most of the events after X-men #30 didn't take place here.
DREAMS AND DESIRESChapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3a, Chapter 3b, Chapter 4a, Chapter 4b, Chapter 4c, Chapter 4d, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
This is the second section of DREAMS AND DESIRES- Transitions Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
This is the third section to DREAMS AND DESIRES- LeBeau Preparatory School Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
The next section to Dreams and Desires is called Hell In Paradise Chapter 1, Chapter 2a Chapter 2b Chapter 2c
chapters from this point are unedited, sorry it took so long to get these up, I fully expected to get them in a good format years ago. My time became more limited though to do fanfic, but I hated that I'd left everyone reading this in such suspense. I'll be posting the other sections and their chapters soon. Sorry about the wait and that the quality (being that I wrote them about 10 years ago, in my mid 20's) are not as high as I'd write now.)
Chapter 3a Chapter 3b Chapter 4
This is one of my recent Elseworlds type story about Rogue and Gambit it is not related to my Dreams and Desires series. It is about a PG-13 rating for themes. It is called
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2,
Chapter 3,
Chapter 4,
These are recent stories I have written, that are one
parters. The first one is about a visit to the Kentucky Derby.
First Saturday in May
The second one is a Witness story
The Secrets That Keep Themselves
The third one came out of my annoyance at the poor way the Rogue and Gambit relationship was being written in the core x-books these past few months.
Ripples In The Rockpool
This is a little side story to the Dreams and Desires saga, it takes place between chapters 1 and 2 of LeBeau Preparatory School.
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Next is a funny little story Roguestar and I cowrote, about what would happen if Rogue and Gambit married and Sekmet found out about it via a videotape.
This was written for a mother's day story challenge.
This was written in 1999 as a Marvel 2 like Universe story. I've previously had it posted elsewhere but since it is a Gambit and Rogue story I wrote I've decided to include it here.
This is a Christmas story I wrote in December 1998. It contains my solution about getting rid of the Green Mist lady. ;)
This is another older story series of mine POWER OF LOVE . The two stories were written from late 1995 to spring 1996. If you are under 18 you shouldn't be reading these. They aren't pornographic, but they do deal with mature themes.
Story 1, Chapter 1 Story 1, Chapter 2 Story 1, Chapter 3 Story 1, Chapter 4 Story 2, Chapter 1 Story 2, Chapter 2 Story 2, Chapter 3 Story 2, Chapter 4 Story 2, Chapter 5 Story 2, Chapter 6
A new series I've started, it kind of takes off from Gambit #16 and a speculation about what will happen in the core books.
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© 1997 keri@louisville.lib.ky.us
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